The Saturday Nooner in the Big Brother 15 House
Good Afternoon, BB Lovers! The time for PoV Ceremony is nearly upon us!
If this is your first time checking in to BBDish today, you'll want to have a look at the Overnight Report and Saturday Morning. McCrae was called to the DR just before the clock struck noon, and BB called for an outside lockdown at 12:30, so the PoV Ceremony should begin very soon.
12:11pm So much for keeping it behind closed doors. PDA in the pool..
Camera 3/4
Amanda & Elissa
Amanda is reassuring Elissa of her safety this week, even though she'll be going up, and doing quite a good job of it. Here are excerpts.
Amanda: We're taking this MVP twist, and we're using it.
Elissa: We're using it.
Amanda: We're taking out the kids.. I'm calling them Bieber fever. Just try.. I promise you that's the plan. We're gonna be protecting you. We need you. You're like a really big part of this game. Just don't freak out, because everyone's acting like you're leaving. I just can't wait to see David go home, and they're all gonna f'ing crumble. The only way we can show our loyalty to you is saving you.. This is gonna be fun! Like, that fight was perfect. People think you're leaving, and it's gonna be glorious when you stay.
Elissa: I'm gonna go change for my nomination.
Cam 1
Aaryn, Jessie, Kaitlin,. Amanda..
Jessie is apologizing to Jessie for asking David to put sunscreen on her back. Aaryn is.. well.. Aaryn. It is possibly the most ridiculous conversation I've ever heard.
Aaryn: If it was nothing, it would be wipe wipe wipe.. I was watching him do it for at least 30 seconds.
Amanda: Not to be a bitch, but especially when people are protecting you, you need to keep away from their guys.
BB: Houseguests, this is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass doors. No one's in a hurry to comply. All the women are pre PoV Ceremony primping. Jeremy's in the shower..
Chair Room
The women are getting dressed, primping continues.. Aaryn, Amanda and Kaitlin continue talking about Jessie's behavior around the guys who are spoken for.
***I wonder if Aaryn'll start up a get rid of Jessie campaign, since she will be staying on the block.
Skippy keeps sending us fishing. I think he's telling the HGs to hurry it up and get outside, so they can shoot McCrae's considering the Memory Board sequence that precedes the Veto Ceremony.
Nick's alive!!
12:43pm The couch is filling up outside..
12:44pm - Fishies...
1:00pm - Still Fishies.. It should be safe to say The PoV Ceremony is Underway... So tell me.. In the comment section of this post.. Who is your *L*VP so far this week, as in Least Valuable Player?
I am so waiting to see if they are really are keeping Elissa!! I so want to see her continue in this game!
Good afternoon Carolyn :)
Hi Andrea!! :) Smooch!! It's looking very good for Elissa - She'll still be going up, so as not to tip their hat, but the votes to evict David are there.. For now...
Aaryn. Ughhhhhh
<3 ala
I want Elissa to stay, too. She's quieter and seems more introspective than Rachel, and I love her hair (shallow reason to like her, I'll admit). I hate for her to get attacked just because she's Rachel's sister. Not sure if I like Amanda or not--she comes on so strong and is drama-centric. But whoever saves Elissa is on my good list. I really can't stand Jeremy. All the swearing is annoying, too, but I try to ignore it.
Housequests I really like: Helen, Andy, McCrae, Nick and surprisingly I like Gina who can be funny.
I can hardly take Amanda. Her foul mouth and nosing into every conversation is getting on my last nerve!!! That girl is trouble with a capital "T"! Yep, my vote for LVP is Amanda.
hugs my darling dish queen.. just got off work and stopped by to say hiiiiiiiiiiii before I go read your hardworking recap for us!!
Jessie is my lvp, but I think it would have been much smarter to bd Jeremy than David...
LVP…Would be subjective to the individual players themselves, however, you asked who is YOUR LVP and I feel Aaryn’s choice of behavior is most toxic to the game. She brings hate into the house vibe.
I could be mistaken, I thought I heard her refer to Andy yesterday as “Broke back Mountain”.. evil stuff, difficult to watch.
Carolyn I missed wake up too, wondering if Howard and Elissa did a morning prayer.
I hope next week they get rid of Amanda! I can not stand her. she is totally playing McCrae and I don't like it.
Hope Elissa stays and they don't screw her over.
Helen's definitely the wild card.
oh and Hi Carolyn! Your doing an AWESOME job :)
Need to see more of Howard!! YUMMY!!
Hi all! I have been a lurker for years, and finally getting around to introducing myself! Love all of your comments and this blog. My LVP: Arryn for sure. She is just ridiculous!
An I have to choose just one? I really am not liking several of the hg yet to be honest. I do like Elissa, Howard and Helen though...I would say Nick, but I haven't seen much of him yet myself :)
Good afternoon Carolyn! Thank you soosoo much for feeding my BB addiction :-) I'll be getting the feeds from BBDish today as soon as I get home from getting my hair done (pink highlights - yay!)
As far as my least VP I would have to say its either David or Aaryn. They don't seem to be playing the game really and are more focused on the showmance aspect. Candice is also in the running, she's not that interesting to listen to
I think Amanda is the LVP for this week. Anyone on her team should be cautious and she cannot be trusted. However, my least favorite houseguest would be Aaryn because she is so degrading to David. I hope he wakes up and realizes she does not have the right to control him after a week in the house. Oh, and I love Elissa too! She is so much more reserved than her sister, but I worry that she can be a little unpredictable and ruin her game. Please houseguests, save Elissa this week!
Hi Ala! :)
Hi LindaJoy! :) I'm really enjoying Ginamarie too.. and it surprised me. :)
Hi Dabugd! :) Noted!!
Hi JudyAndRob :)) MWAH!! Thank you!
Hi Chrissie! :) Mmm.. Jessie is definitely playing a DANGEROUS game.
Hi Pallllyyyy!!! :) Agreed on that - reasoning and all. She's toxic, big time.
Hi basalMouse!! :) Thank you!!!! I'm trying to get as more Howard caps... it's difficult, between the lighting requirements and my extreme pickiness/perfectionism.
Hi Annamarie :) Welcome from out of the darkness!! I'm so glad you decided to join us in the comment section! Agreed on LVP, btw!
Hi MandaMarsha! :) hehehe - Nick is like the stealth BB player - he's practically invisible.
Hi Valerie :) Thank You for being here! :) And thank you very much for supporting BBDish by getting the feeds from here!
Hiya CarrieLynn! :)
LVP is Jessie, followed by Aaryn, David, and Kaitlin, they are all so clueless, entitled and unaware. I dislike Amanda and Jeremy but they are playing the game and working the game. All the others are awesome at times, in some way. My biggest surprise is how much I am enjoying GinaMarie.
My favorites are Elissa, Howard, and Helen.
Aaryn is so mean. Unnecessarily mean. I think she is still mentally in high school. So she is my LVP
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