Big Brother 15: HoH Comp Coverage
Surprise, Suprise! We're got ourselves a physical comp tonight!! And it'll be spilling over onto the feeds! :0)
Gotta Love it!
In tonight's comp the HGs are randomly partnered up, and whichever team of 2 wins will then decide between themselves which 1 of them will be the HoH.
If you don't have the feeds yet, and you'd like to watch this comp as it's happening, treat yourself to the 2 day free trial! We'll be covering the comp here on BBDish, but there is absolutely nothing like watching for yourself.
6:30pm Feeds are back!! Let's do this!
Judd and his partner opted to fill the small container and get 2 extra cups. Let's see how that works out for them.. Amanda and Kaitlin are working well together.. Their large container is about 1/2 full.. Andy and Elissa's container is about equal - at half way.
6:35 pm The HGs are really feeling it. Howard just took a big spill. Everyone's panting.
6:37pm The partner component is really interesting to watch, and the level of support is unparalleled in BB history, especially since they're so invested in each others success..
6:50pm From what I can see right now, it look to be very close between Jeremy/Aaryn and Andy/Elissa...
It's difficult to tell if Jeremy/Aaryn are ahead, or if it's just the angle..
6:55pm Andy keeps looking at the competition.. It's too close to do that. Focus on YOU.
Andy: I can touch it, Elissa.
Elissa: Try to pull it out.
Andy: I can't yet..
Jeremy: I got that ball, baby!!
The Team of Jeremy and Aaryn have won the HoH Competition!
Of course I got lost in a NTP, wouldn't be BB on the Dish without it.
Hi, Hi everyone!
Seems Judd's plan is working, didn't think it would but there you go.
YaY No getting got for me tonight. I'm going to watch the feeds for a few minutes to see how close or far away everyone is.
Hehe! I didn't get caught either!
And my man is distracted by bbqing my dinner - this is after serving me breakfast in bed before work this morning. I am SO SPOILED Hehehe! :)
What is this stuff they are pouring? It looks like blueberry syrup.
That could make their runway a disaster bio-hazard site if the runner spills a cup of that stuff, whatever it is.
BBQ sauce *LOL*
Fishies! Hoping it's BB telling them they can't use their hands. :)
i hope ellisa wins
I love that its an endurance comp and a treat for the live feeders! That's for mixing it up Big Brother!
It looks like Jeremy/Aaryn are a hair ahead of Elissa/Andy. I am already feeling a little nauseous at the thought.
Hahah! Clarissa - that'd be awful. And awesome. :)
I don't know why but I feel Jeremy will win this one! :( anyone but his team! Please!
My guess is Grodner came out to help fill Jeremy and Aaryn's jugs.
Who is everyone voting for MVP?
I think it would be hilarious. Impractical, but entertaining. :)
Anyone but aaryn and Jeremy pleeeease! Ahhhh!
I think most would agree, anyone but Aaryn for the win!
GaYTor- Hahahahahahaha!
I keep seeing people talking about the hg being evicted, but I don't see it. 1. It would have been done by now and 2. This is all over TMZ and other media outlets. Ratings have to be up because of it.
Come on Andy/Elissa you need this. I can't stand the thought of Jeremy/Aaryn in HOH room. Their heads will be so big and they will be so mean.
Hi all, hey Michigan Man, I've got to ask you a question.
You said: "Of course I got lost in a NTP, wouldn't be BB on the Dish without it."
What does NTP mean? I don't think it's short for No Toilet Paper, but I had to ask.
I kinda hope elyssa wins and gets HOH too -just to see what she'd do. Heh.
I too wonder if the small bucket option was better! cant wait to find out!!
GM kinda makes me wanna stab myself in the ear - and this is with her being encouraging...
oooh looking like Team Jeremy is ahead - noooooooo...
I'm afraid to switch feeds. Are Judd and Nick catching the others?
They seem to be catching up - they're at halfway, but it might be too little to late... Jeremy/Aaryn? are about 3/4 there...
Fingers Crossed for Elissa and Andy.
LOL Sam, no it means new top post. It's when you are in the last post and by time you hit publish there is a ntp.
Come on Andy and Elisa so so close to Jeremy! They need to pick it up!!!!!
I went to full screen feeds for a bit.
Worst Case looks like it may happen. Jeremy seems to be a ring or two ahead of Andy and nearing the top.
Andy is doing a great job of keeping Elissa moving. I'm loving it!
LOL Lessa - when you said GM I thought you meant Grand Marnier.
Uhm...If Judd and Nick hadn't filled their little jug, I think they would have won by now. If Jeremy and Aaryn win, I may kill myself.
Id be ok with Judd/Nick too I think. Jeremy is only out for himself. He lied to his alliance and voted out Elissa
Hiyas!! :0) Canyou guys tell who's ahead??
with the last 4 pic if Jeremy is in the bottom right then they actually look a bit behind andy/elissa
Uhm..I feel like if Judd and Nick hadn't gone for the little jug first they would have won already or very soon. I don't see that they are even using their THIRD cup because they only got one ball out of the small jug, yeah?
If Jeremy and Aaryn win I may kill myself.
sitting the sidelines F5'ing ....
nooooo i dont want jeremy and aaryn! pick it up guys!
I feel like AGP did this perverted version of one of our favorite comps in order to shake up existing alliances and to surprise the house guests because it varies from their usual comp schedule.
Not a fan of this duo competition when they then choose which of the duo is HOH...
Elisha needs to pick it up!!!
He can touch it! hahaha!
Nooooooo!!!! :(
Oh, eff me... Jeremy and Aaryn won. Shit.
Noooo! Jeremy win! ;( so sad!!!
who is he???
And I predicted this didn't I?
Jeremy an Aaryn won.
Yes the 'randomly chosen' teams. ahem!
Well, that do make it interesting.
Not sure if I can handle Aaryn's DRs that are sure to say she "did it for David blah blah blah sun revolves around me blah blah blah everyone hates her because they're too faced blah blah blah"
Oh, Google...eff you for making me think my first comment didn't post...much disappoint.
Much disappoint in AGP as well. No bueno.
Well - it'll be interesting, at least. Heh. Maybe she'll give it to Jeremy... A girl can hope, right?
This is the first time I haven't had the feeds since they were available years ago! It's been hard but thanks to Carolyn I've bee able to keep up on what's going on! (sorry just a bit of whining!)I really hope Aaryn and Jeremy don't win - it will go right to their heads!
Knew it. Whenever they're down they come back up. First law of BB be careful what you wish for re David eviction.
Uhm...If Judd and Nick hadn't filled their little jug, I think they would have won by now. If Jeremy and Aaryn win, I may kill myself.
Ack. This is going to be an ugly week.
oh no! I can't stand the thought! Boo Hoo!
*two faced.
So annoyed I can't even type! :)
Well, we know to expect the unexpected! *L* It'll shake things up, at least :) No one is safe.. MUHAHAHA!
If 2 ppl won, who gets HOH?
Ugh!!!! Jeremy & Aaryn won. I can not see good things coming out of this. They are both so full of themselves. It will be a long week in the BB house for sure.
Trivia ... but looks like the small bucket guys were going to win.
So I wonder if Jeremy & Kaitlin will sleep in HOH bed or will it be AAryn & Jeremy???
FL Girl
Jeremy was supposed to vote out Elissa to keep the alliance from being found out. They knew the vote would still send David home. That is the only thing he has done right. Other than that he is still a ______ (insert name I am not allowed to say.)
Elissa needs MVP again now
grrrrrrrrrrrr is the other safe from eviction??
Come on Andy and Elisa so so close to Jeremy! They need to pick it up!!!!!
WHY trivia?! So annoying!!
Well that sucked .... Jeremy should give the HoH to Aaryn ... then blame her for whatever she does. lol ...
As my auto-correct would say, DUCK!!!!!
Thanks Grendon, I wasn't aware of that.
I am feeling seriously ill and I'm 10 minutes past time for insulin. I'll return after a wee break, and a weewee break too.
Hahah! That did make me giggle, Love your autocorrect! :)
my auto correct said mother ducker!!
Carolyn - so true!
I don't want to get my hopes up but according to the tweets there may have been a possible cheating scandal. Could that be the reason for trivia? Dare we hope!?!
I think Jeremy will want HOH to sleep with Katlin
1 4 Git, it might become an interesting bedroom for a 3-Way Bedroom. I doubt Jeremy would object ... or Kaitlin and Aaryn either. I won't be watching any HoH feed anyway.
I am heartbroken,but not giving up!!!!! Elissa will come out on the other side and kick some arse ;)
I hope the contest is actually still going on and Jeremy and Aaryn were told no way yall cheated!
I have seen that too Grendon. I hope so!!!
I so hope Jeremy cheated and their team is disqualified. Mean I know but I can't help myself.
And hope flies out the window.
Okay, does anyone know about this cheating scandel????
lol... uhm...forget what i just said lol
This could be a blessing in disguise, Jeremy and Aaryn will so full of themselves that even their own alliance will be sickened and maybe leave them both in the dust!
Grendon you gave me a glimmer of hope with that news
hope everyone remember's the brigade cut the head of the snake off PLEASE CUT JERMY OFF
Booo is all I have to I must go sulk :(
Gag me with a spoon. That is the ONLY team I really didn't want to win. :-( Sidenote: does anyone know why the sound was cutting out so much? Starting right after David was evicted it kept cutting out quite often, including when Julie was explaining the comp and when she was giving a recap of what was happening right before the end. First live show glitches? Or really bad things being said by houseguests? Or something else?
Booo :( I did not want that team to win! Watch, all the hgthat do not kiss their ass will suffer this week.
Any news on the cheating??? I don't have the feeds :(
whats going on? are the feeds on trivia??
Are Helen/Elissa are have nots again.
It looks like the "cheating" was not seen or they had different instructions which is sometimes the case - we do get fishies when they explain that. So We'll have to wait and see - but Jeremy and Aaryn are HOH. Aaryn is upset that people lied, and I'm not sure which one of them is HOH yet.
I just heard that Aaryn is the HOH and Helen and Elissa so far are HN again thanks to Aaryn. She is gonna be out of control this week!
That makes me SICK! Like almost to the point I can't watch until this week is over... :|
If someone has clips of them exchanging cups, I would love to see it.
Stills, or feeds time/camera
Did they change the rules mid-competition? I thought Julie said they had to pour their cup into their partner's cup over the hedge. Near the end, Jeremy and Aaryn were exchanging cups and not pouring from one to the other.
There's no way to know unless they mention it on the show Sunday night.
I thought I saw on the live program a duo exchange cups rather than pour it back and forth.
The west coast version is on in 1/2 hour I can watch again to see I see it.
Hmmm, I know Spencer thinks he is being strategic and covering his alliance but, I am thinking his little speech in the bathroom just lost him any chance at America's Favorite Player.
Sorry for the false hope (about the cheating). Sometimes I think maybe there is a God in the BB house and that good will prevail. But really, if I was God I wouldn't spend time in the BB house either.
Camera 1 7:29pm who is in there crying and why?
Pics on twitter
I dvr'd it. I can watch it if someone tells me what I'm watching for.
Is that Elissa that Jeremy was talking to? Is that her crying room. AGP should have known to put some bushes somewhere in the house. She is Rachael's sister, right? :p~
Do you have any comments about whether you consider it cheating or not.
about Elissa-"This game is completely rigged in her favor." said the BFF of the 'randomly' chosen team who just won HOH.
I tend to not get up in arms until I know for sure. As we all know that the instructions are given behind Triva/Fish - we likely won't ever know for sure. The only important thing is that AGP has determined it not to be cheating, thus for BB it is not.
Expect the unexpected! :)
This is going to be an awful week. Aaryn will be nasty to Elissa and Helen and whoever crosses her path.
Year after year people cheat in the comps and it seems like if they don't catch it when it's going on productions ignores it. I suspect it's too complicated for them to change the winner after the fact.
I love Big Brother. I love Big Brother. I love Big Brother...
If they did exchange cups, then AGP needs to rule it cheating. Period.
Otherwise, this looks rigged. I thought it was just "gimmicky" ... but after a lot of things over the years, I feel less and less that this shows doesn't play favorites.
Ewwww so Aaryn is HOH?!?! NOOOO worse possible situation?!
No! Aaryn is a bad person bottom line.
I love how the side that won is complaining that HOH should be an even playing field... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. THey aren't even happy when they WIN..
Aaryn is upset because everything she is saying right now will never be aired. ROFLMAO
I never thought Aaryn would be the first HG to make me laugh out loud this season.
How does it go from a pair winning to one HOH?
I just don't like it when certain people are blamed for everything (Elissa) even when they are down. Poor girl can't get a break. I wonder who will be the scrapegoat once Elissa leaves.
You can see them switching cups on camera 4 at 6:49 and 6:54 The cup is in her right hand as she approaches the hedge but in her left hand as she runs back to the BBQ pot.
The other teams still appear to be pouring from one cup to the other. I would think if they did change the rules mid-comp some of the other teams would be switching cups instead of pouring.
And I heard that Elissa, Andy, Helen and Candice were hand chosen by Aaryn to be the have nots??? Obvious mix of people there....
Special Bulletin for Kaitlin
If the house really wanted Elissa gone, she would be gone.
'Big Brother' Racism Controversy: Contestant GinaMarie Zimmerman Fired From Job Over Racist Comments
Im closeing feeds for the rest the night im gona go watch Greek on netflicks and just barely be a feed watcher for some time i am sure this weeks gona be horid, and aaryn should not have won
One they cheated useing hands and handing the cup off not pouring it in.
two she and jer should have been kicked off the show because of what they did and said too
A friend said 6:49 camera 4
I am livid!! I dozed off and wake up to tales of cheating????? CBS.... Do something!!!
Wow I just saw the video of Jeremy and Aaryn good!
Sorry- what is the HN thing on pics?
Thanks for the dish. Aaryn will be seeking retribution for David's departure.
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HN= Have Not :)
I think I'm the only one excited for this week. Should get very interesting...
The only good that can come out of Aaryn sitting in the HOH room is that her biased and bigoted mouth will send her out the door quicker than she wants to go (fingers crossed here).
Is bb on showtime this season?
Kristen - no, not showtime, but TVGN or something like that. There's info on it at
Thanks :-)
I heard Andy tell Aaron that there was no way he was going to let Elissa win it because she would want HOH! That's why he told her he could touch the ball but not grab it. Also, that's why he was watching Jeremy/Aaryn - so Andy could let them win!
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