Big Brother 16: The LONG awaited Cody Shower Show
Just when we thought it would never happen!
Late last night, Cody got into the HoH shower, while Frankie was having a bath, and Skippy gave us the goods.. I wish I could post it for you here, just like old times, but it's against the rules now. So..
Live Feeders.. Cody's in the HoH shower.. full monty, July 31st at 2:39am on Camera 2. You're welcome!
If you haven't gotten the feed yet this season, and you'd like to try them out, here's a 2 day free trial, so you can hop right in and see what you've been missing! ☺ Need help using the flashback feature? Here's a handy little guide: BB16: How to Use the Flashback Feature on the Feeds.
I must turn my laptop back on! Caro, we are baaaaddd, but thanks for the highlite of my day. tee hee hee.
hehehehehe! ☺
Curves to the left. ...I was able to pause at the exact moment. tee hee hee.
Wish I knew how to make full screen my background. Haven't figured that out yet.
And good morning! Lol
Thank you my fellow Carolyn. Such wonderful taste we have!!
Can't wait to check it out lol
Thank you Cody for pressing yourself against the glass and Big Thank You Carolyn for being there to point it out to us!
I'm glad you got what you were hoping for.
Was he doing it for Frankie?
HAHA I saw that on Twitter and wondered if you had seen it yet lol
And we thank you, Carolyn!
TripL in Cen FL
Not that im condoning your idea - lol (maybe I am ;))! But you can hit the 'printscreen' button (usually above the number pad) once you have it paused where you want it. Then open a word document and hit control+v and it should pull it up then just right click and it should give you the option to make it your wallpaper. :) You should even be able to crop it to exactly what you want :)
Help, I'm trying to sign up for the live feeds and it's like a continuous loop, I hit enter anfter filling out the "form" and sends me back to the "create an account" page, what am I doing wrong?
I don't know if you got my previous comment but you need to check out 3:10 or 3:11 PM on camera 2. Caleb tries to talk Amber into a banana which is obviously representing him. Creepy.
Yay! Thanks Carolyn. Looks like he was 'fluffing' it before showing it. I think it was very intentional - and I like it! ;-)
Hi to everyone!
Hi and thank you so much to Carolyn (some of your comments tickle me to pieces in the middle of the night, my dog snorts with disgust--why don't dogs appreciate laughter like we humans? They will perform for our appreciation but laughter, giggles and belly laughs are unimaginable for them. Oh well...time for BB!!
I ummm, really? Help, I know I'm a newbie but ding dang y'all, what code should I use to get you credit Carolyn?
Wow, ummm....I'm married I shouldn't be looking at that but!
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