Wednesday Morning in the Big Brother 16 House
Happy Wednesday, BB Lovers!☺ As the clock strikes 10, it's wakey~wakey time for our lovely bunch of Big Brother 16 houseguests.
If this is your first time on BBDish today, please be sure to check out The Overnight Report. At 2am, the boys, ok, Frankie in the presence of the rest, let the cat out of the bag and told Caleb that HE would be Amber's target if she stays this week.
This update will follow their antics on the live feeds throughout the BB morning. Please refresh periodically and more info will magically appear before your eyes.
- Zankie are in bed up in the HoH room, trying to catch a few more zzzzs.
- Hayden and Amber are lowering the blinds for BB..
- Donny and Nicole are talking..
Donny: We could be locked in any moment, till Sunday, with no washer, no dryer.
Nicole: Yeah, that's so scary.. I don't want my clothes to be locked out here. Will they give us a warning?
Donny: Yeah, they'll give us a warning.
Hayden: Bam!
He and Amber have finished the 1st row of blinds. Donny helps Hayden with the rest. Amber goes to tend to the clothing with Nicole, and wonders aloud what time they'll get locked in..
Donny: What's on the agenda?
Hayden: I don't know, Donny.
Donny: I think we should switch it up. I'm gonna be in good shape when I leave this place. I can't believe you stayed up all night. That's a long time.
Hayden: I'm turned up to a 4 already.. I was active all night.
BB: Zach, Jocasta, Derrick.. please change your batteries..
Camera 1 - Hayden and Donny are chatting on the backyard couch..
Camera 3 - Amber is tanning..
BB: Zach, Caleb.. Please change your batteries AND turn in your activity trackers..
Zach and Caleb make their way in to the Storage Room to do BB's bidding.. then it's back into the Have Not Room for Caleb and up to HoH for Zach, with Advil in tow for Frankie, who wants to be fed like a bird...
Zach climbs back into bed with Frankie. They exchange I love yous..
Frankie: Goodnight, sweet prince of.. I'll think of something.
Camera 1 and 2
Donny and Hayden
Backyard Couch
Hayden: What do you think they put the wires up for?
Donny: We did see it, our very first one.. It was fully tarped, and it was the greenhouse effect - it was very hot in here. Let's see.. my buddies is probably eatin' lunch right now.. I did have a lot of orders for resurfacing parking lots.. (about the resurfacing machine) It looks like a crotch rocket.
Amber comes off her chaise lounge and into the pool.. after a quick, cooling dip, she's back to the chaise..
Cam 1/2 - Donny and Hayden are still on the couch. They've fallen into a comfortable silence for the moment. Donny gets up to tend the laundry, then returns to the couch..
Cam 3/4 Skippy's loving Amber in her bikini.. on the chaise, through the house, into the storage room for an apple, and she finds a kiwi for Hayden and brings it to him, then back to her chaise lounge for more tanning. As Amber passed through the kitchen, we learned Jocasta is awake now as well.
Camera 1/2 - Jocasta joins Hayden and Donny on the couch..
Camera 3/4 - Amber sits in the pool..
Camera 1 - Hayden heads inside for bed.. He never went to sleep last night. Donny tells Jocasta how the "young people" stayed up til the wee hours last night. Jocasta talks to her boys at home.. then chats with Donny about home, her boys, her husband, his truck..
Camera 3 - Amber's out of the pool, back to her chaise, and she's baking her flip side..
BB: Please retrieve your activity trackers from the Storage Room.
Donny and Jocasta do, and they grab and deliver Hayden and Amber's for them.. The rest will be called out one by one..
Talk turns to Caleb.. Both Donny and Jocasta overheard a bit of loud talking from Frankie last night..
Jocasta: He was sayin' 'we're trying to figure out how to tell Caleb, cuz Caleb is out there crying.'
Donny: Was he?
Jocasta: mm hmm. I just ignore it. I know this child don't like him, but I'm not gettin' in the middle of it.
Donny: It's sad.
Jocasta: It is! To be 26..26 years old??
Donny: I'm sure this has happened before.
Jocasta: But he still doesn't get it. And like, he was tellin' him, how's everyone goin out there on a hammock date with Amber and I haven't gotten one yet.. and I'm like, Ohmigosh.. When he comes to me, I just go, you need to ask her, you need to talk to her.. I throw it back. He was like, well maybe it's just how she's trying to play her game, and I say, talk to her.. He says, you and Donny are the only ones.. My gut tells me she don't like me.. Well, you go with whatever you feel.. hehe.. It was an hour Donny.. and I was like this.
Talk between Donny and Jocasta turns to junebugs.. and the weather..
Camera 3 follows Amber into the shower and stays with her..
Skippy decides to share the camera 3 love with Zankie, who are still snoozing up in HoH..
Heading back to Camera 1, they're still talking about Caleb and Amber.
Jocasta: Love has to come from both sides.
Donny: I had to go to bed several times just to pretend I was asleep.. You know when we get locked in, it's gonna be Beehive room, c'mere, c'mere.. What's there to talk about?
Jocasta: mm hmm.. and then I walked into the Storage Room, and I was like, I'm sorry. They were like, we're trying to figure out how to get Caleb off this crap. What should we do? I was like, I don't know. It was yesterday evening.. That's what Frankie was saying, Caleb keeps twisting it. They'll tell him, she don't want you, and he wont hear it. They think he's gonna walk right out the door when she walks out. Doesn't sound so bad to me. That would be a first.
Donny: Yeah, it aint gonna happen.
Jocasta: I don't think he's that crazy. He told me, "I trusted her and Frankie in this game." He's like, "My intentions are to take her with me as far as I can." That's why they're gonna split that up.
Donny: That's not something you're supposed to tell.
Camera 1 and 2
Donny checks his laundry. Both decide they're going to walk. Victoria joins the living and BB is immediately on her to put on her microphone.
Camera 3 and 4 are back to Amber in the shower.
Camera 1 and 2
Jocasta and Donny are walking the yard..
Donny: Look how these people do dishes.
Jocasta: Oh my gosh. I like to wash them with hot water, but I don't wanna wash them all the time, cuz i'm not a maid. I've just never seen something so nasty. I've just never seen this before.
Donny: They'll make a bowl of cereal and leave the milk out for 6 hours.
Jocasta: Yeah, you're right. They will. I'm gonna have to drive to the end of my street and back to my house, just to get the feel for dribing.. hehe.. I enjoyed the cars they were pickin' us up in though. Those were nice. Really nice.
Donny: mm hmm. They sure kept us hid from one another, didn't they?
Jocasta: mm hmm.. Very fun and entertaining process.
Donny: Unusual.
Jocasta: The 1st one for me was.. I was like, ohmygosh.. This is crazy. 007.
Donny: Since I live by myself, I probably handled it better than most.
Jocasta: Oooh..
Donny: Ok.. if we're gonna go to 15.. 8 more minutes.. Then I might eat a sandwich.
Jocasta: What was it like 11:40?
Donny: Somethin' like that. I'll eat a half a sandwich.. I got up a little after 8.
Jocasta wonders when they'll have Zingbot. Donny tells her that'll be later in the season, when there are fewer HGs and they need filler.. Talk turns to the workings of the laundry machines.. and the microwave..
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, on Camera 3 and 4, Amber is now dressed, lotioned up and hopefully sporting curls today.. Victoria is ready to step into the shower..
Back to the yard..
Camera 1
Jocasta: If it's the wall, I have to hang on as long as possible.. and if it's a double evict, I have to move as quick as possible, because that 1st HoH is probably gonna befast.
Donny: mm hmm
Jocasta: And I'm usually a fast person.
Donny: not me.
Jocasta: So.. I know that one will be fast.. and I think if you win that HoH, you can't play in the next one that same day.. which can harm you more than help you.
Donny: No more than any other week.
Jocasta: You just have to be very strategic about who you're putting up. So I will definitely think it through.. I remember when Dan.. it was a double evict, and he won the 2nd HoH.. and he ran back in there and he was like, you, you!
Donny: That's why you have to think about it tonight..
Jocasta: And it has to be thought out through the Veto. That's when you really start playing Big Brother..
11:57am Donny heads in for his lunch. Jocasta continues walking solo..and shares her thoughts with us aloud....
Jocasta: Ok, so, tomorrow, don't wanna go home, so let's think this through.. if I put up Frankie and Caleb, one of them will possibly remove themselves... I would hope for it to be Frankie. I probably don't need to put up both of them.. Wouldn't be smart.
**She continues beyond this, but she goes from speaking softly to barely even whispering, and I cannot make out her words..
We've arrived at Noon BBT... And this concludes the Morning Update! I'm going to take a gym break. I'll be back in a bit!
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I actually feel bad for Amber. She did nothing to encourage Caleb. It was not her fault that he was crazy obsessive about her. HE really has ruined her game, because she did not reciprocate his feelings. I wonder, do any of these women ever watch previous shows, because ladies, come on . . every year the men folk form an alliance and pick off the women one by one. When will the ladies learn, go in the house, and get an alliance going Day 1 . . .and pick off the men !
I'm disturbed and disappointed in this misogynistic set up to oust Amber. Okay, you want her out and the majority of the house is fine with that. Just 1 guy who is scarily obsessed and possibly abusive. So instead of just putting her up and out this power block (who can't be stopped at this point without a major move) decides they'll play on this obsession and feed it until this 1 guy is on board with the plan.
Derrick's game was impressive and okay by me until he became a part of this plot and it's really depressing that Christine and to a lesser extent Nicole have played along. How is it okay, even in a game, to encourage and feed into a person's obvious obsession when that obsession is another human being? Now they're talking about humiliating her for 2 days or at least at eviction? What did Amber do to deserve such treatment?
At this point I'm almost over Frankie and Derrick too. I'd love a Jocasta or Donny HOH now. Preferably both back to back. Then they need to not target Nicole, Hayden, Victoria or each other. That's the only way to make a dent in the Detonators and to pull Hayden closer to their side.
Yeah, I'm not holding out much hope. I was really enjoying this group of HGs too until this week and now I'm just disillusioned.
Good afternoon Carolyn
I had real life interference yesterday too. Spent over an hour getting test results to find out that my younger daughter has dislexia. Before I got home from there my older daughter was trying to get hold of me and I had 9 missed texts and calls. Called her and her first words were 'don't panic' so, of course I panicked. She went to push the cellar door and her arm went through the glass. One stitch on the inside, nine stitches on the outside.
So...this house. I still don't care thst Amber is leaving this week but feel terrible about the way it has happened. My friend is a tv/BBAD only. I try to fill her in on what's going on but she just doesn't get the bigger picture. She said she is glad Amber is leaving because she has been being so mean to Caleb for no reasson.
I feel no further ahead in figuring out who is loyal to anyone. I thought Cody/Derrick were a tight F2 ... until Cody and Zack were talking about their F2. I thought Zack's most real loyalty was to Frankie until he talks about getting him out soon. No one talks about taking Hayden anywhere since they are all afraid of him. Hoping Hayden, Nicole or Donny win. If Christine would pick a side (with them) I would root for her to stay. Unfortunately, she is an untrustworthy blabbermouth. She has set herself up as the perfect Britney, Danielle Keesha. As a self professed super fan I think that makes her deserving of a quick ticket to the jury house.
Other than Caleb, who I have no doubt will be excruciatingly annoying with or without Amber, Cody is by far my least favorite. He does every bit as much trash talking, throws his alliance members under the bus constantly in order to make himself look innocent even though he always complains about Frankie doing that and he makes the girls feel like he likes them more than he actually does. More than anything, he seems like he is itching to go after Frankie which bugs me because Frankie doesn't mention going after Cody until it's done to the 5 Detonator's.
All in all, I don't know much more about these people today than I did yesterday and who is loysl to who is going to boil down to two things. Who is sitting on the HOH throne and who is wearing the POV around their neck. The only thing I do know is that Hayden is still my fave.
BTW People who have been reading comments for a few seasons may wonder why I tend to root for males more than females. It's simple. Year after year, the majority of females make the same mistakes and set themselves up for failure so I don't bother getting too attached. Sometimes I get sucked in and can't help myself but when I end up rooting for someone like Keesha or Britney I end up almost as devastated by the loss as they are.
I just read my own comment and realized how many mistakes / typos there are. I developed a terrible habit of checking the update and commenting from my phone because it's just so darn convenient. Unfortunately, my fingers don't always go where I want them too.
Im so disapointed in the girls this year, why do they have to lean on the men so much, Cody is also a big disapointment in that he is so afraid of the girls,its still anyones game, im rooting for Hayden, Frankie or Donny to win.
@Grendon A few of them have been talking about getting Hayden out... they see him as a real big threat and that he is close with both sides.
Alisa said everything I am feeling. Donny is my favorite and that's about the only person I am rooting for anymore. The talk of unnecessary humiliation is just gross to me. Vote her out if you want but the fakeness is so just icky.
I am really upset with BB for not removing Caleb from the BB house!! he is now pretty close to actually doing physical harm to Amber!! He now wants to dump ice cold water on her while she is asleep and has said he wants to put A & D ointment up her nose and set it on fire!!! I can't watch any more either on TV or the live feeds because of Caleb!! He needs to be removed immediately!! Last night Caleb literally pushed Frankie out of his way so he could get out of the HOH door!!! one of the tweets said that he also threw Amber's bunny slippers at Derrick!! He is literally putting all the HG's lives in danger because of his actions and BB is allowing him to get away with it!!! Is this really the kind of publicity they want?? They are putting profits ahead of the safety of the HG's!!!Big Brother used to be my favorite TV program but lately all it is doing is making me sick of watching it!!!
No mention of zankie
If you do the diagram then this battle of the block twist can go all the way until it's only six people left. Think about it, you need six people for the typical veto competition - if there are two HOH (that's two people) and they each have two nominees (that's four more people for a total of six people). At the BoB, two people are coming off the block and they are completely safe and cannot be re-nommed. That only leaves the losing HoH as eligible for a replacement nominee. Not a good week to be HoH!! Everyone is finally playing in the POV (and you get a celebrity host that week); if somebody besides the BoB loser wins up goes that losing HOH!! I actually hope they keep the twist that long. It has sucked but now they'll have to get craftier and nastier in how they approach nominations. How long is TA going to last!?? And how could that factor in!? They're so distracted by a dbl evict and when jury will begin!!
The link to the Overnight Report--Wed, morning greeting--instead took me (twice) to CBS Live Feeds log in page! Oops! Just a heads up...have not slept yet. So non compos mentos?
Hey everyone :))
There's an interesting comparative religion talk between Jocasta, Victoria and Donny from 2pm - about 2:10.
I phrased that wrong. I have trouble keeping track of what I am saying on this little screen. What I meant is that no one talks about Hayden in the sense of working with him for very long because they are all afraid of him. I know they talk about trying to get rid of him before he gets too far which definitely does not make me happy.
To everyone surprised and disappointed that the HGs are bad mouthing Amber, I think it is a natural human instinct and that they actually feel guilty. To cover that guilt, they want to justify their actions so they focus on any negative aspects of Amber. Factual or not. They're not even conscious that they're doing it. Plus if others agree with you it makes you feel justified in your actions. It can quickly turn into a mob mentality. Some people are just jerks and some generally feel guilty and this is their way of dealing with it. At least that's my uneducated opinion.
We so need someone who can shake things up. It's looking like Donny or maybe Hayden are the only ones both willing and able to.
Speaking of comparative religion, its strange how people with such similar beliefs and family structure have so many differences
Omg please cbs do something about that tiny feet abusive frat boy Caleb. He needs to GO!
The only people with any class this season
1 Donny
2 jocosta
3 Hayden
The rest of them need brain transplants and musels.
I dont think Hayden is better than any of them. I dont buy his "love" for nicole
Jumbo not better just not as bad.
As far as his showmance with nicole by definition its fake.
Omg maybe Nicole has a brain after all!
But not much or she would have put up Frankie and the wicked witch of the bb house chris or maybe backdoor her.
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