Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good evening, BB Lovers! Happy Wednesday Show Viewing Party! Thank you for coming!!
***After the Viewing Party, we'll be taking a little break... Then... Because we're doubly blessed, Zinger's gonna be driving the BBDish bus in the finest style.. Join her in a new top post just a little while after the Wednesday Show.. Then later on, join Late Night Lessa as she rocks the Dish. and then it's back to me for the Overnight!
When we left the live feeds just now, JoJo was upstairs with Frank, appealing to him for a deal or a vote or his confidence in the game.. with her and Shane.. They ended it with a hug, and once JoJo left the room, Frank told us he understood, cuz "last week I was scramblin' like a champ!"
Meanwhile, we've got a Wednesday Show to attend to!☺ And it's time to seriously rewind our minds.. Tonight, the tv only folks learn who got nominated! Lordy.. I can't even think back that far! I am psyched to see the PoV and the DRs though..
Tomorrow.. The game we love starts all... over... again! I'm hoping for a serious shake up!
If you haven't signed up for the feeds yet, you are missing a ton... More importantly, you're really missing all the fun! Treat yourself to the 3 day free trial tonight, and see how the game is actually played. You deserve it!☺
As with all BBDish Viewing Parties, the action is in the comment section. Come on in and say hi to old friends and new! ☺ Tell us, who would you like to see evicted tomorrow? Who would you like to see win HoH??
As the Wednesday Show comes to an end at 6pm BBT, our critters are enjoying dinner on the live feeds...
Let's join them! :) Click the pic to get to the live feeds log in page.. or the 3 day free trial, if you need it.
We're taking a little bloggy break for now..
Because we're doubly blessed, Zinger's gonna be driving the BBDish bus shortly.. Join her in a new top post up in just a little while.. Then later on, join Late Night Lessa.. and then it's back to me for the Overnight!
Good Evening Carolyn, fellow BB addicts
Happy Wednesday Show!
Lots to get to tonight nominations, Pov contest, Pov ceremony and if we have time perhaps another annoying Chilltown 2.5 Boogie/Frank DR.
I got my feeds through a link on this site :0)
You're right, time to REWIND
Thanks Carolyn and team for all that you do. It certainly helps to make this show more interesting.
(((Hugs))) Caro and Dishers! Bring on the DRs, hope this edit isn't as bad as the last!!
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi M!! :) Thank you!!
Hi Michigan Man! :) Welcome!!
Hi Jeffry! :) Thank you!
Hi Kati! :)
Hi Mappy! lol!
Hi FL Girl! :) Thank you!
looking forward to seeing the pov oh and Hi everyone!!
Ugh! I'm still on the train heading home. 1st thing I do is turn onto CBS when I get finally home (had errands in the city after work). Hopefully hubby isn't watching anything important...
I want Danielle out and for Dan to somehow stay. She just annoys me way too much. From her awful bf tales to delusional attitude towards Shane. And the teacher lie which I still don't get.
I like JoJo as I already mentioned with no end before. Please BB make it happen for her to stay.
Happy viewing everyone!
Whew! Took me 5 minutes to get in.
Let's get ready to REEEE-wind!
Hi everyone.
I'm here!!!
((((Dishy Family )))))) Hello ev1
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi WendyBBFanatic!! {{{HUgs!!}}}
Hi MCornett! :))
Hi Regy!! :) Grrrr!! Well, I'm glad you made it in! :)
Hi GayTor!! :) WooHoo!
Hi Softball mom!! :) Yay!!
LOL Poor Ian! Gotta love that kid.
Hi all!!! (Hugs) all around.. I love this game, but ugh, the music remix bugs me!
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi Cindy!! :) (((hugs!!)))
hey all !
Wow.. he's been gone almost a week now, and Willie's still the star of the show. lol.
"You only trust me now because I'm HOH." Way to call her out, Frank!
Does ne1 else think Frank was being a terd with JoJo just now. It's ok to vote with ur team for ev1 else, but Shane and joJo??? Seems hypocritical to me.
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi DavidB!! :)
Hi JCo!! :) - right?!
Softball mom - yup
man jojo is really delussional(spelling?) She thinks she has done something to stay. What has she done? NOT SEEING IT
Lol Carolyn. It just goes to show the show got boring when he left.
As much as I thought I would like Frank pre-season, that's how much I can't stand him now! He needs to be knocked down several notches next week. Danielle for HOH!
Does anyone else think this is the least dynamic cast in the history of Big Brother or is it just me?
I put the blame on Mike Malin and Allison Grodner for allowing him to return. Have I mentioned lately how much I despise him?
And he had a baby?? Whoa! Does anyone know who the baby-daddy is?
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi Elsisi!! :)
Softball Mom - And how far behind the TV only folks are - Noms now. lol.
MCornett :) The inside of those walls breeds delusion.
GayTor - I actually like em.. It's a rougfh situation to be thrown into.
Hey I'm here but I may be a lurkin tonight.
Maybe I will put in my 2 cents. I don't know.
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi Indigo Prince! :) Nice to see you!
Mommy to 3 and Kati
If you are here tonight I just wanted to tell you that I completely agree with your earlier posts about JoJo. I think Janelle and even Danielle have made a lot more nasty comments than JoJo. Janelle should not have come back for a third run. She has gone from being in my small group of all time faves to being someone I really am not liking at all.
Go Ian!!!
We will have to agree to disagree on that Gaytor. I am team Boogie 110% by by the same token, I have 2 KY boys I HAVE to pull for on Janie's team.
I hope Danielle goes and Dan gets to compete against his evcitees to get dropped into the game. I like all the coaches but I said this at 1st and I will say it again, I don't get why Brit was brought in as a coach, there was so many more to choose from. I wished they would have saved Dani for this season, I think she would have been a good coach.
Hey ya"ll!!! Here tonight but not tomorrow...sadly I have to work...maybe I will be in triage and the TV will be on can!!! Time to watch the POV...oh, my daughter says hello :)
Happy Wednesday Show!!
Hi TexERNurse!! :) Welcome!! :) Hi Daughter! :)
Hey Grendon!! :)
Hi Mapppyyyy!! :) My rockstar RTer!! ♥u!
Soooo cute!!!!
I guess you are right Caro. Most of my dislike for this season is the Coach Twist. You know how I feel about anyone from the past coming back into the house.
And in my personal taste, there is only a single piece of eye candy in the house.
Speaking of, I hope we get to see Shane do some Magic Mike. *eg* I doubt it would be his first time although no one has outed him on it that I know of. I know I could go through a pile of $1 bills a half mile high.
Hmmm. I wonder who is going to win?
GayTor - If Shane ever goes up and stays on the block, we'll have to make a Save The EyeCandy banner! ;)
SoftBallMom :)) Yup!!
Wendy - lol! oooh.. the mystery!!
BTW, How did the awards show go Gaytor?
Wil's voice is soooo annoying. He is fake as all get out.
Can he lose the rest of his clothing too? Pleaseeee :)
LOL @ Frank - "Big Tree Fall Hard"
Reminds me of a grip I used to know.. He'd always say, "Strong like bull. Smart like tractor."
Loving this VETO comp. I enjoy when people fall down and go boom ;)
The next person to pick Joe as a comp host should be automatically evicted. STOP YELLING! Lol
Ashley & Ian. Quite possiably even more precious than J/J!
Hi Show the Love!! :) I *love* your name!!!!!!!
Way to be optimistic Janie LOL
lol Dan to Ash 'thats very realistic' haha another reason I love him!
Wendy we can ALWAYS agree to disagree. How boring would this get if we all felt the same.
I didn't win this year but I really didn't expect to and was even surprised that I was nominated. The winner was very deserving and won 2 years ago when I was first nominated so I now plan to campaign big time and take it back next year. It was still a great night out. This is our version of the Oscars, red carpet and all.
So what does everyone think will happen if Danielle does go Thursday?
I have heard so many speculations
Dan will leave with her
Dan will go into the game
Dan will have a chance to choose to forfeit his $100,000 to go into the game.
Maybe Danielle won't even leave Thursday
Maybe no one will since Willie was expelled like a little school boy and also because they have lost so many hg already.
What does everyone think?
That was adorable Brit!!!
Indigo - If Danielle walks out the door.. I just don't know.. But barring some major developments tonight or tomorrow morning, I don't see her going.
Thanks for the link Carolyn! I am late, but here ... haven't been able to get to comment much this season ... I am really busy at work this season ... but that is good for me!
I have been to lots of shows in Orlando, Daytona and Louisville. I would love to see your show!
Hey Steph! :) Nice to see you!
I think Shane is this years Jeff....with more class
I do love Jeff still though. Just sayin'
Wish I only looked half as yummy as them
They would have already told them(if my memory serves me correctly) if this weeks HOH was just a wasted one because of Willie.
Did Danielle honestly expect Shane to just say "Okay, I'll dump JoJo?"
i think so.
the danielle/shane thing was never real. she only did the flirt at dan's suggestion.
Does anyone think it's possible that the coaches might be 4 members of the jury? Would the numbers work out that way??
Hi Mama :) Welcome!
Hmmm.. I would say no, only because they would each be too tempted to vote for their own players, thereby giving themselves an extra vote for the 100k..
Although.. only 1 or 2 will have someone in the finals..
Mama, supposedly, their contracts say they can't vote which would include jury. Plus, they would obviously vote for their own player so they could win the money, so I don't see that happening.
voting cereal and salmon
Giblets? Oh my God. That house is gonna stink!
Wow 8 minutes left. My how time flies when you're watching Big Brother
shane really is pretty even coverd n Guac!
Indigo, my Prince, I'd take you over Jeff any day. Not only on looks but on personality even more. I can't see you ever being a bully or a bigot and that makes you even better.
Cereal and Salmon - my 2 favorite food groups :))
Shane.. I wonder if there's any way he wouldn't look pretty?
vote number 1- fish and breakfast yes please
I wanted to see JoJo's speech, da*n you CBS!!!
Awww thanx! Thats my life motto!
wow jojo so classy wearing a robe to the veto mtg
Wow Gaytor. You RocK! I have been missing you and I hope you got some of my messages.
That was so sweet! Thank you :)
Show The Love-- Mine too. :)
Julie chen is my homegirl!
I've already forgotten the food choices, but what I pick never gets chosen. I'm evil and always want to give them the worst possible combo but voters are too kind to them.
Time to eat, then turn on the feeds and hope for some last minute gaming, although I also think it will be JoJo going and that is fine by me. I don't want Dan to leave the game.
Later Gaytor :)
:) RobTan
I think the teams have alot to do with it. People are playing as extensions of their coaches so its like there are only 4 personalities in the house. AGP better right the ship
I can't believe no one said anything about Ashley's DR. The best part of the show. We finally get a look into what she's really thinking and it's that.
She's been less loopy lately, I miss loopy Ashley.
lol @ the stupid human tricks around the dinner table right now.. joe: can anybody lick their elbow? my wife can do it.
JoJo, the way you don't throw someone under the bus is to talk about your positives rather than their negatives.
Hey Michigan Man :)) What struck me about Ashley's DR was that she was ditzy in it.. I was kind of hoping for a secret rocket scientist to emerge in there.
Missed the show tonight because of unexpected errands after work and I now live 30 minutes from town. Daggum country life! Lol. And the wind is blowing, so dvr disnt work. Worst signal ever out here!! Thank Hod I have the feeds on my phone and you guys!!! Hahaha.
@Carolyn - but, if a coach is in jury, wouldn't that mean that all their players were in jury?
@softballmom - i thought that i heard the coaches say that their contract said subject to change, or something along the lines?
Very good point, Lolli!
Kristin! Harrumph! Bummer you missed it!
Heads up, everyone :))
Because we're doubly blessed, Zinger's gonna be driving the BBDish bus shortly.. Join her in a new top post up in just a little while.. Then later on, join Late Night Lessa.. and then it's back to me for the Overnight!
Soo.. what I'm sayin' is.. It's bedtime for me, but not for BBDish. :)
Check for Zinger's post around 7pm BBT, k? And please show em both lots of love!!
GaYtor-I totally agree. I find this group to be boring I guess would be the word. I don't know if it's the cast, or the coach twist, but I'm basically forcing myself to watch it because I'm convinced I will somehow feel a "connection" so to speak for someone on this cast. There's just no one that really gets me excited to watch.
Grendon- Thanks :) for the JoJo support. As I stated, I'm not sure if I'm team JoJo because I actually like her, or if it's because I just dislike Janelle, but either way, I'm hoping she stays.
Yeah! Made me wanna cuss...and I don't cuss. Lol!
DR encouraging her to keep it up?? Shes no rocket scientist but she definately acting
I guess I'm just really hanging onto the fact that the coaches will play. I'm with Brittany in that the numbers dint add up! We do need drama and that would bring it :)
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