BB15 Week 8: PoV Spoiler & Immediate Aftermath
Good evening, BB Lovers! It's Win or Go Home for Helen and Elissa in today's PoV.
Playing for the Power of Veto: Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, Andy, Ginamarie, Spencer. Amanda is hosting. McCrae is the lone member of the peanut gallery.
As soon as we have a winner, that will be revealed by Lessa here in this post.... Stay tuned! Better yet, spark up your feeds!
Alright - the feeds came back JUST as I slid in the door -talk about timing! They came back at 8:48 pm, Spenser hurt his leg, and it looks like... Elissa won POV!
Oh dear. Helen better do some serious work over the next few days or she'll be meeting the door - of course, then she may slide right back in right after as well! One of the many reasons I so love this game!
Helen pulls McCrae into the cockpit:
Helen: So we'll still be good, right?
McCrae: yeah, totally..
Helen: It'll be the three of us against them..
McCrae: Yeah, exactly...
It sounds like the competition was Otev - YAY! That's one of my favorites.
Amanda: Elissa was flying up that ramp!
Andy: Without the rope!
Andy: She was a beast today, I have to give it to her.
Andy: So Helen thinks Spenser will go home?
Amanda: Yeah. I'm going to get blamed for it. I don't care.
Andy: So we're not going to tell her?
Amanda: No. We'll just see how the plans come about. I'm sure backdooring me will be brought up.
Andy: talking about 3am is the first big aliance talk I've done in the DR.
Amanda: Me too. I don't know who's more dangerous, Elissa or Spenser
Andy: One will go home next week. If they get HOH they'll go for each other though.
Amanda: Yeah.
Andy: I was legitimately not trying to throw it. Elissa ligitamately beat me. She was a beast. She was doing good.
Spenser in the Storage room with McCrae:
Spenser: I'm still pissed off about Elissa being a f'in c.. but I know I'm safe, it's all good. It was badass though, badass. I couldn't find Jessie.. She got it so quick..
McCrae: She'll do good at endurance. I think the next one will be endurance.
Spenser: once Helen goes, tell Elissa spenser likes you - she'll need to regroup.
McCrae: I think Amanda will bring Aaryn...
Spenser: as long as I'm one of the five, I don't care.
-- So the way it looks is like this: Helen thinks she'll be safe because they'll get Spenser out. Everyone is perpetuating this delusion, except for Elissa who is outside the loop. Unless something happens to give Helen the heads up - she'll be hitting the door on Thursday, where I firmly believe hell will have no fury like a Helen Scorned and she'll pop right back in again. Of course, ALL of this is speculation, and there's a very long time till Thursday!
But with this - I'll leave you all to mind the critters, as the man has decided to take me dancing! Hurray! Carolyn and I would appreciate any heads up in the comments if anyone's head blows up. :)
Nite Carolyn*
Holding you in the light through your friends services.
Thanks for the nice day.
By Amanda confiding in Elissa that Helen is the target, I wonder if Amanda is starting to drive a wedge between Helen and Elissa. If Helen wins POV and removes herself, Spencer will probably go up and possibly out if Helen can guilt the rest into believing he is Judd junior.
My best case scenario is for Spencer to win POV and not use it.
If Helen does leave this week it almost certainly insures that one of the nasties will win at least second place. No one will take Elissa to the end and I doubt if even Amanda wants to sit next to spencer, Andy or even mccrae
Do you think that people would vote for Elissa over anyone in final 2? Or that another HG would think that? I think she'd be a safe bet to bring to final 2 with anyone thus far! She hasn't won anything but a POV.
Why wouldn't someone want to sit next to Elissa in the end?
She hasn't won anything except one POV. You never know for sure how votes will come down but the only votes I can see her getting would be Candice and Helen and, on a very slim chance, Jessie. If Elissa was in final 2 against Andy she very well may not get those votes either.
The people in jury are going to vote personally or based on gameplay. Personally-she has more people against her than for her. Even the people that did like her are angry at the fact that she doesn't seem to have any respect for the game. Gameplay-almost everyone up to this point has played a better game than her.
I'm not saying anyone will take her, but she would be almost a guarantee to give the other person first place.
Yikes! Spencer has to go. He has been vile and disrespectful and I'm astonished at what comes out of his mouth. He is smoking something if he thinks he will be popular when he gets out because he will be remembered but not fondly.
I have been looking in sporadically but I'm entertained by many of your comments. Thanks to all but especially our BB Goddess, Carolyn!
Oops......and Lessa (Sorry!)
Thank you. Pally. ~C*
Carolyn, I don't know if "have fun at the memorial" is quite the proper thing to say so I won't. Just enjoy a well deserved Saturday night off, and an even better Sanity Sunday.
I'm still looking around for my "GaYToR's Naughty Bits" mug. I know it's around. Seeing it again made me want to use it but it's definitely hiding. I'm thinking I wrapped it with the crystal stemware and put it in storage for safe keeping.
Hellooooooo Lessa!!!!!!! Glad to see you since I missed your last appearance although I'm not sure how long I will last tonight. I've been nonstop doing one thing or the other since 8 AM GCT.
Shi Shi you are in luck. I do have some things in leopard. You can look through the toy box and see what might interest you. HA! Of course I have leopard. It's my favorite color.
Since tomorrow is Sanity Sunday I thought I would search for a recipe and give everyone something to do. May I present for your eating pleasure...
Hog Head Cheese
Makes: 60 servings
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours, 0 minutes
Ready In: 2 hours,30 minutes
Cajuns never wasted any part of the hog being slaughtered. This recipe backs up that statement. For those who can not attend the boucherie or are away from home, but would love to make hog head cheese, you can generally find what you need to make this at most Chinese or Hispanic markets or look for 99 Ranch market types of stores. The pig's foot provides the gelatin that sets the cheese. Served on crispy crackers, it's quite good. Hogs' head cheese is also known as souse.
10 cups water 2 1/2 pound pork meat or the hog's head
1 pig's foot 2 tsp salt divided
3/4 pound onions chopped 1 tbsp parsley flakes
1 tbsp celery flakes 1 cup green onions chopped
1 tsp black pepper 3/4 tsp red pepper
Measure water into 5-quart saucepot. Clean hog head by removing eyes, ears and brains. Saw into 4 pieces. Add pork meat, pig's foot, and 1 teaspoon salt. Cook until meat is tender and the pig's foot and head can easily be boned. Approximately 3 cups of liquid should remain in saucepot. Add chopped onions, parsley flakes, celery flakes, chopped green onions, and the remaining teaspoon of salt, black pepper, and red pepper. Cook about 3 minutes. Remove meat from liquid. Reserve liquid. Remove bones from meat. Place meat in food processor bowl. Chop well but do not puree.
Mix together the chopped ingredients and the reserved liquid. Pour into 9x13x2 pan. Chill thoroughly and serve on saltines or flavored crackers of choice or with boudin. Makes 60 servings of 2 tablespoons each.
Bon Appitite y'all
i really think it would be interesting for andy to win even if he is desparetly trying not to
I said I was off the Elissa band wagon and rooting for Aaryn now but I find myself wanting to read that Elissa has won the Power of Veto!!
I think because it would be great to see Spencer go up again and watch Helen campaign all week to turn the house on him. She will battle harder, stronger and smarter against Spencer than against Elissa. If it indeed goes down this way and Helen stays over Spencer she will have gained a little of my respect back.
Still no news :(
I was just told Andy won POV. Not sure if it's true...
Is it odd for the feeds to have trivia this long?
I haven't been able to watch the feeds on my phone for 3 days. When I click the link it says the site is forbidden. My friend is having the same problem and we have different providers. Is anyone else having this problem?
OMG why no update in this post regarding POV winner?!
I'm going cuckoo!!!
Elissa won POV!
woot woot!
So good to see Elissa happy!
Well Elissa won.. This surely means Helen's demise. Glad to finally see a big power player be targeted to say the least.
I have been a Helen fan for the majority of the game simply cuz she seemed to be playing a great game pretty much until Jessie confirmed that Helen has been trying to backdoor Amanda. Now this game is all Amanda's unless people realize this and now try to get her out.
I've also kind of jumped on the Aaryn bandwagon because she is a fierce competitor and has actually been making smart moves to solidify her spot with Amanda and McCrae who are now running the house 100 percent. Here is to hoping Aaryn or someone makes a game changing decision to take out Amanda and then this will be anyone's game.
Oh goodness this means that Helen's mouth will be unstoppable the rest of the week. This is going to be a true blindside!
Yes yes yes, so happy Elissa won!!
Helen's blind side will be that much sweeter on Thursday :) lets hope she doesn't walk back in that door the same night
Yay, a non -minion won! Finally someone not totally under control of Helen and Amanda, hope she sticks to her own goal.
Listening to them chatter not one person has brought Elissa name in a final 5 scenario let alone a final 2. You are absolutely correct though by virtue of the fact she has won only this pov and using the logic that she can't win anything well then how does she even make it to that situation. GM will vote to evict her, spencer will vote evict her so I really don't see her making it past next week or two weeks. Lord I heard spencer say if he won HOH he would put up Elissa and Andy. With GM as a renom.
Somewhere I think I posted that production would make sure that Elissa won and that she is the HOH as well. I see my predictions have come true. Go Elissa!
I agree she would get no votes and she would be the logical choice for me also but more can't stand her in the house and they don't want her to have any chance of winning any money including America s vote. Spencer , GM and Amanda are constantly dissing her because she comes from money and she doesn't respect the game
Hello all
I just got home too. As of 9:26pm cams 1/2 Helen has pulled GM into the cockpit and says even if she doesn't have McCrae and Amanda she has GM, Elissa and Andy. Little does she know, dun, dun, da ;)
McCranda and Aaryn are in HOH on cams 3/4 talking about Spencer. Amanda wants to get out Spencer before Elissa. Aaryn asks McCrae if he's loyal to Spencer and he says no but, he wants Elissa out first because she annoys him. Okay, we think this was OTEV and Amanda said this was luck, seriously. Not if it was OTEV. I hear Andy up here too, just don't see him. Spencer brings up pizza. Oh Andy is in the bathroom. Amanda asks Aaryn to talk to GM to find out what she knows. Amanda says that Helen probably told her to tell Aaryn to backdoor her. The conversation didn't go anywhere near that territory.
Amanda's paranoia will mess up all the best laid plans, mark my words.
Spencer thinks for sure that Elissa will walk, by Saturday. Amanda says that Elissa will cling to her like the fly on sh*t.
They tell Spencer that when he gets renominated mope. He says "I can mope, I'll make Daniel Day Lewis look like Keanu Reeves". LOL
Helen and Elissa are downstairs in the kitchen but it's just talk, nothing game related. GM is there too. Has anyone else noticed how, since the fight, GM is spending way more time with Helen than Aaryn? Despite the mean girl session they got into overnight last night or this morning. I read it just not sure which post it was in.
GM has joined the HOH crew at 9:46pm.
Helen congratulates Elissa on her win. Now they are happy. Helen confirms it was OTEV. Helen says it's the hardest competition and you won it. Elissa says she never get nervous when he? talks and we get fishes. Right before that Helen starts to ask what's the difference between him and Julie?
Helen says they have the votes to get out Spencer so she's not making any deals. Helen says "as long and Amanda, McCrae and Andy stay loyal" They talk about how dangerous Spencer is. You know since he has a master plan like Howard had.
GM is upset again about something, who knows.
Elissa's very ecstatic right now, wait til Thursday, she'll lose her mind. Of course that's if this can stay secret until Thursday. In this house don't count on it.
Heard a lot of people have same problem; from what I gathered, they had to go to the full site and sign in. For some reason the mobile version is messing up
Uh oh, please read above, I actually predicted this or at least said it was the best case scenario for game play.... Haha, cant wait to see the comp!
10:26 PM BBT.
No heads have exploded tonight but I'd pay extra to see GinaMarie's head go up in smoke, as long as it gets her voice box too. I'm avoiding whatever feeds she happens to be on.
They are all just being their usual catty selves and CBS Chatroom seems to be the place to be. Everyone is wishing David Lockner a Happy 40th Birthday. He think's he's over the hill but those who have already been there know his life is just beginning. 25 is the new 40. I'm waiting for him to get just a wee bit more toasty before I make my best moves. Everyone knows what I always say. Straight men are so tasty. If he would just come to Mardi Gras. MUHAHAHA!!!!!
I'm off but I am on explosion watch so I may be back.
10:02pm cams 3/4 HOH
Look for another McCranda fight coming up. The HOH crew are talking about when Helen leaves Thursday what they will say and McCrae says he's going to ask her if Elissa was MVP all the weeks. He says if it was he will laugh right in Amanda's face. He'll have to wait until finale when Julie tells them but that I want to see.
Aaryn says she's annoyed because Helen thinks she is in a four person alliance with her, GM and Elissa.
Someone or someones in another post speculated about why Amanda is always on top during McCranda sex or whatever. I have a theory. I think McCrae is just so bored he doesn't even care. If you've noticed him lately, since Judd left for sure, he doesn't do anything but lay still whenever Amanda's on him. He ticks her off as often as he can so she'll just go away and he can get some time alone. That's my take on it.
Speculation that the jurors are sequestered.
Spencer says that when he went to get his stuff for the POV that GM had put a Howard sticker over it that she had somewhere and we get fish.
Oh gee look, Amanda's taken over the HOH bed again. McCrae comes out of the bathroom and goes to lay on the couch.
Yeah, for sure something is going to happen before Thursday. Aaryn is acting like she was the other night before the fight with GM. They, the women of 3am, are winning technically but they can't ever be happy. Aaryn and Amanda are the biggest sore losers ever.
Amanda went over to the couch and McCrae literally pushed her away. She goes back to the bed.
10:24pm cams 1/2
Helen and Elissa are celebrating. Helen is pumping her full of sunshine. Once again she calls OTEV the hardest comp. ever in BB history.
McCrae has gone over the HOH bed now. GM is have a HN moment. LOL Amanda says about GM "she the most sore loser ever, even more than me" Andy says "this will be the hardest thing I've done in the game by far". "I just hope she understands" "I think as much as she loves the game she would"
10:30pm cams 3/4
Aaryn and GM are talking game. Basically about the fake F4 with Hellissa. Aaryn says she won't work with Spencer, they? can go f*ck themselves. They, A and GM, too want him out before Elissa.
It's doing it on my default browser on my droid but not on the firefox browser I downloaded...try firefox and also alert bb tech dept
The broken record known as Elissa, while Helen in still pumping her full of sunshine and telling her now she can win HOH, says "I just want a yoga mat" The smugness they have now will make Helen's demise so much sweeter.
10:40pm cams 1/2
Andy joins Hellissa. Helen asks him what's the word and he says he thinks Spencer is going up. Andy more than anyone else wants to do to Helen what he did to Jessie and it will bite him so hard in the end. He wants that blindside so bad. Talk about the comp. Helen says "look how good Spencer was at that comp."
Oh okay, Gm is mad at Spencer for the HOH contest because he picked her to go up. I thought it was something recent. Way to hold a grudge.
Karen Gray
Elissa is the biggest minion in this game. She is Helen's number one minion. I can't believe you think that Elissa will do anything that Helen doesn't tell her to.
What do you think is her own goal? I'm just wondering. I don't think she has a goal.
Another LOL
Helen says "Andy, thank you for trying to win it for us".
Andy "thanks for picking me"
Spencer asks McCrae if he won HOH next week who he'd put up. McCrae says that Amanda would probably want him to put up Spencer and GM. Then he says he'd like to keep Spencer off the block. He tells Spencer he's nervous about Aaryn, to throw him off. Andy comes back in and they ask him. He says it wouldn't be either of you. Elissa and GM, what would you guys do? Spencer says probably the same. McCrae says that if you put up GM you better get her out.
11:12pm Aaryn comes back and says they got six beers. She's carrying three beers and a bottle and says there are three more beers in storage. McCrae and Spencer run to go get them. All that booze for the four of them. TOR should be full of crazy.
I get forbidden on my phone and tablet :( which is where I watch 99% of the time. I need to contact them I guess.
11:21pm cams 1/2
Amanda is blowing it like I told you she would. Amanda is saying that nothing is going to change and Helen is the target. She says that everything that Jessie said was true. Elissa asks why Helen would be saying those things and not telling her. Amanda tells her to not try to flip the house or help her because it's a done deal. Elissa says I have no one. Amanda tells her she has her and Andy.
(((Caro Leesa and dishers))) wanted to drop in and say Hi. It has been a busy summer and I actually got my husband watching this year!!! So he expects me to sit with him and no electronics during shows. I ain't complaining though, now he understands my addiction lol He even turns feeds on at work to see noms and stuff! I love it! Hope everyone is doing great! Xoxo miss you all.
Yay, Elissa won OTEV! Can not wait til Thursday! I am definitely going to TRY my hardest to be here!
Take care all, if I get feeds to work on my phone or tablet, I may see you all in dish chat.
11:33pm cams 3/4
Amanda says that it's great that her and McCrae's love is all on tape. Aaryn then mentions how that's what Rachel said about her and Brendon. Then Amanda says that her and McCrae could get married on TV. He says no, that's stupid. Aaryn says and wedding costs 10 to 15 grand and McCrae says for idiots. Then Aaryn says you could get a dream wedding all payed for. Amanda says it would cost 100 grand and this of course annoys McCrae. Amanda says "do you know me at all". McCrae says we can have it in my backyard. Aaryn and Amanda say don't you know the wedding is about the girl.
OTEV was called the love sick beaver. They're saying that it said he told them to put their love letters in it's beaver box. The love letters had the HGs names on them.
Jason, same problem with the feeds forbidden on my phone.
Amanda, put some clothes on!!!!
Is Helen really dumb enough to think she is safe? Weeks of the same scenario, lie to the person leaving, make them feel safe, and she thinks she is safe?
What would be interesting is if Elissa, now that she's won something, decides to use the veto on Helen and just go home. Or would they then vote out Spencer? At any rate it would cause some turmoil, and Amanda would be pissed because someone else was too selfish to follow her wishes.
Sorry, I'm just trying to find something interesting to think about. :-)
Jason, sign in again through
I had a feeling Elissa would win POV. Does anyone else think she's been laying low and losing on purpose to keep the spotlight off her? Nah, probably not but she is Rachel's sister and that girl, love her or hate her, was a beast toward the end. Let's not forget Amanda hasn't won either... how could we forget she whines about it all the time. She's just a bigger bully than anyone else and she needs to go!!!
Better Elissa won than Helen. Hopefully Helen doesnt comeback (or candice). Elissa was safe this week as along as Helen didnt win. I want to see Elissa in the house without her
I was having the same problem myself about a week ago. Mine seemed to resolve itself awhile after i had closed all open applications, cleared the RAM memory, and then restarted my phone. If that doesn't work, try calling their account support number at 877-211-4367. Hopefully they'll be able to get you both back up and running very quickly.
It does the same for me. I delete the /error/ in the address bar and it takes me back to the CBS site where I can click on the live feeds. It's a total pia, but the only way I have found to watch them.
Helen has played an amazing game....Amanda, However has played the bully and for what ever reason people are following her like the pied piper....Jan Texas
When Kaitlin was up against Aaryn, I thought Kaitlin was the better choice to evict because she had won more comps. Now Aaryn has won a lot and been HOH 4 times. What a turnaround.
Elissa was depressed because she had not won anything as was Amanda by crying McC should have let her won HOH.
Now with Elissa taking herself off the block and poor Spencer going back up, it will be a big Helen campaign to get him out, or she may try to get Aaryn to put up Amanda.
I would really like to see Helen walk out and Judd walk back in. Join Andy, Spencer, Elissa and get Amanda out.
Good Morning, Carolyn! Sorry to hear about your friend's son. :( I hope you are enjoying your Sunday! I just wanted to add something that was said last night in HOH with Aaryn,McCranda,Andy and Spencer. Around 9:45ish. Regarding Helen, Spencer said he didn't appreciate how she would tell him she would get him to jury and how when she cried the other night about Elissa, why wasn't she crying and sad about her "friend?" That she was crying, saying "she won't be in the jury to give me a vote." Ha!! That is what I said. She was crying, cause she lost a jury vote. (potentially...I don't think it would happen for real)
It was nice to hear the other HGs talk about how she kept telling them SHE would get them here or there. Finally!! ;)
jason ensign-just posted but don't know if it worked. I'm having the same problem as you but on my Nook and Android tablet-figured a way around it-type in goes to mobile) so I go to bottom of page click full site-upper right is cbs search type in live feed and click on first link-works everytime-hope this helps!!! :) Cheri
Glad to see Elissa won POV, but to remind everyone, this is 2 POV she's one, not the first. She won the first week America was MVP and we put her on the block. She won and then GM went up in her place. I believe that's the week Kaitlin ended up going home.
I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I am hoping Andy wins. Why? Well, first, because he's from Chicago and I live in Chicago. Yes, I am/was rooting for Helen, too, but she's just too aggressive. I personally believe if I were in the house, I'd play like Andy, be friends with everybody and have everyone confide in me. It's the way I am IRL and I think that's how I'd play the game. However, I'd align with a select few (my biggest opponents maybe) and keep them close and stay loyal. That's my biggest problem with Andy, I can't be sure who he's really aligned with, but it's keeping him in the game, so I say go for it.
That's my 2 cents worth. Hoping to hear some game talk today. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.
Midnight cams 3/4
Drunk stories with the HOH crew. There are lots of fish during this as you can imagine. Not a lot new, we've heard many of these stories before I feel.
Michigan Man,
Thank you for your posts last night!
Michigan Man,
Thank you for your posts last night!
Caroline a very interesting conversation between Elissa and Helen at 12:10 pm camera 3/4 where Helen realizes for the first time they are voting her out.
Helen and Elissa are the only ones that clean that house.
I hope Elissa wins this HOH and puts MCCranda up and one leaves.
Spencer is so vile and disrespectful towards women.
It was hard for me to watch last night as they trashed Elissa and her family. These people are awful and so nasty.
Angela Barker thank you for bringing up that this was Elissa's 2nd PoV win. I've seen people all night and now day saying it was her first. I don't care for her and wouldn't care if she had ZERO wins but facts are facts. Was she helped by Production? Who knows? It does seem odd that both her wins are when she has been on the block. Everyone knows I'm a conspiracy theorist. It wouldn't surprise me to see her go to F2. She couldn't win over anyone but she could get there. And the Brenchel Army will make sure she gets America's Favorite Player. That's probably a given no matter when she leaves the house. Sad, but most likely a fact.
I like your take on Andy. I'm an Andy fan too. His game is unique, He's managed to stay off the block this long because he knows when to talk and when to keep quiet. He also knows which group he is truly with. I want him to go all the way, not only because he is the first gay player that has made it this far, but because his strategies have been on target since the first week. Everyone thinks he runs to tell anything he finds out from 'the other side' but he is an equal opportunity gossip. He also knows when to keep something to himself if it's better for his own game.
Oh, and he has been the least repulsive player of this season. That alone is worthy of serious consideration. For that issue I think Judd is right up there with him. It may be selective memory but I can't recall an incident where Judd has been guilty of anything but association.
Michigan Man thanks again for your dedication to give us the times and cams on the good stuff. You definitely have a knack for being on the right feed at the right time. APPLAUSE to you!
Carolyn I hope you are enjoying Sanity Sunday. With the suspected week ahead this may be your last break before next Sunday. I'm expecting non-stop fireworks and especially on Thursday night. I'm sure you are preparing for another Endurance and I hope it is one that lasts more than a couple of hours. It seems Production has timed them the past few years to be over about the same time as the West Coast show is over. I'd hate to live there and get everything 2 hours later. I want my BB like I like my football. LIVE. I can never watch a football game if I already know the outcome, and I can't avoid reading spoilers. I have to know at the same time as it occurs.
Now to peek in on the Feeds and mostly mute them as I look for something halfway worth watching on TV.
Boy Helen is teed off right now, slamming things around in the kitchen. Kinda reminds me of my Mother when she would get fed up with us kids. lol. She is going to try to get Aaryn to put up Amanda, I'll bet. Things are going to blow before the day is over.
My iPhone was also having the Forbidden issue. I called CBS and they walked me thru the following fix: go to, scroll to bottom of page, go to Full Site, then Shows, Big Brother, Live Feeds. You may have to sign in. Then add to Home Screen for shortcut. They hope to have mobile problem fixed soon.
Thanks Kartys for the CBS phone #!
I am so glad Elissa won the POV! Not because I'm rooting for her but because I REALLY want Helen to walk out that door on Thursday (and stay out).
Can someone tell me, when Jeremy drank the bottle of wine that night, and Helen was crying - was he specifically yelling at her? I thought he was yelling at everyone in the kitchen but she acted like it was directed at her. I don't remember the details so I'm hoping someone can clarify. The reason I am wondering is because I saw that Helen was saying a couple of nights ago that she is scared for her husband to see Jeremy on finale night. What is her husband going to do, yell at him? Beat him up? Over something that was done in the game? She also said she thinks Jer should just walk up to her husband and apologize for his behavior (paraphrasing). Either way, I just thought that was annoying and super lame of her to say. :-)
Also, do you all think Julie will announce that one of the evicted HGs will be coming back in the house at the beginning of the show Thirsday or after the eviction? Do you think the competition for the evicted HGs will happen right before HOH? That would be crazy if the returning HG won HOH immediately after coming back in. I'm rooting for J - U - Double Dizzle to come back!!!
If Helen gets evicted,Elissa might be so shocked she gets up and walks out with her!What a surprise for Julie Chen on live TV- and Elissa doesn't have go to jury either.Win/win situation....
Hello Michigan Man,
Regarding thinking Ellisa can be a non-minion and what I believe is her goal.
In order to make it with these house guests each of them must play minion, except the controlling ones; even they pretend at times. Anyone going rogue from the "house" has been singled out verbally maligned, put up and voted out.
I'll agree Elissa has absolutely been passive, hid behind Helen, and voted as directed to survive in order to be carried forward. Additionally she has sort of an eerie passiveness when she interacts with others, very difficult to understand.
That being said, in early nominations as MVP Elissa put up someone other than who the "house" directed. They were not polar opposite to the goal or group being voted against; but they weren't the individual they directed. It annoyed the "house." Just this past week as Helen or Amanda yammered on telling her what to do, Elissa vaguely kept saying "Spencer should go." That's not what they want her to say or do.
One of the reason's she annoys the group is because she does not do directly as they tell her. The only reason she's not today's target is because they don't see her as the largest threat. She knows Helen's leaving, so from my perspective she of all house guests just might have the last small vestige of chance to impact the tyranny. That's probably my goal, for someone/anyone to mess with the tyranny of bully and manipulation, just for personal satisfaction.
Unfortunately the dynamic with this cast is very unpleasant and for me most of them are barely likable. However with this POV I was just happy to see someone who isn't a complete bully, shifty liar skittering amongst groups or manipulator playing mom guilt games.
I don't know what her goal is, other than an ongoing statement Spencer should go. Just hoping she doesn't just fold to their pushy lying demands on her probable eminent exit.
One can only hope there's a free mind in there somewhere and here's to rooting for the under dog.
A friend figured it out. You go to the CBS website on your phone them click on full site at the bottom them clink on the link for the feeds and it will work.
Does anyone know what happened very, very late last night when Spencer was in the DR and they quickly sent him out in the middle of his session so that Elissa could go in ASAP? People in chat thought it was an medical emergency but they kept cutting the feeds and McC, Am & Spencer were really pissed off at whatever it was.
Hi Everyone!
Happy Sunday viewing")
Well I think a couple of my post got lost yesterday? so re-posting a few thoughts...
yesterday Grendon nailed Hellen saying her Ego was killing her game! On point...
Because of her Ego she has ignored the BB warning signs....
#1.If you don't have the votes to flip the hs on Amanda...
( They support Mcranda)
#2 Andy " its too soon to flip the house on Amanda, waite now is not the time"
( Andy does not have your back)
#3 Mcrae comes to you with an new alliance against Amanda.
(yeh right!, maybe later in the F3)
#4 Your on the block!!!
(who goes on the block......the people they want out!)
And you think they want a little fish (Spencer)out?!
No they want you HELEN!!!
So moving on to Elissa......staying low, barely rubbing two syllables together. ...mmm this is such contrast to bubbly Elissa as we came to know her...
what happened?!!
Arrogance!! If she cant be the center of BB universe....
remember Mcraes birthday? she humiliated Amanda in her one piece out fit, to the point of making her cry, Because her focus was she could do it better and look hotter.
She didn't have that uh oh what did I just spew moment...
This BB song isn't about you, about youuu!
And I usually root for the under dog!.
Miss you Judd
Hi Yasmin! :)
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