Sunday Show Viewing Party
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Thank you for joining us for the Sunday Show viewing party here on BBDish. I hope you've all had a lovely relaxing day! :-)
On tonight's show, we'll be seeing the HoH Andy won, as well as his HoH Reveal, nomination ceremony, and the talks that led up to it.
Add to that the Have Not Food Reveal and a handful of DR sessions, and you've got yourself a Sunday Show.
I'm particularly interested to see McCrae's DR tearful session about Judd's departure..
I'd lay odds we'll see a bit more of Candice's departure as well.. at the top of the show.
As with all viewing parties here on BBDish, all of the action happens in the comment section. If you're a TWC Customer or on the West Coast, chances are, there very thing you're looking for is right there too! Join us!
**Due to PGA Golf, the televised broadcast of Big Brother will begin at 8:08pm Eastern/ 7:08pm Central. The West Coast broadcast will air as normal.
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Happy Sunday Show!!!
Thank you for being a part of BBDish!
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Have at em!
Happy Sanity Sunday Show Night :)
Evening Carolyn, all
Spencer and Andy spending a lot of time together, again, just saying. I still think there's something there. Not sure if it's an F2 or secret guy alliance or just friendship but it's something. Can't wait to see this HOH comp.
Get a tissue though because they'll show Judd's eviction again :(
Hi Carolyn :)
Happy Sunday Show Everyone!! So happy to join you all here in this drama/hate free zone.
Love the Dish!
I was worried about you
Hello Carolyn and Dishers, I'll be here reading all the posts during comercials and computer lags. Make em Dishy ;)
Helloooooo Caro and friends!!!
Hi Jumbo :))
Hi Helene! :)
Hi Michigan Man! :)
Hi Jadaz! :))
Hi Ilissa!!! :))
Dearest Carolyn and fellow Dishers
Happy Sunday viewing show and hugs to all!
Hi Carolyn
I couldn't watch much last night. Helen and her passive aggressive threats to Andy annoyed me.
Then Andy and Aaryn were together in the cockpit. The first thing I noticed was that some prankster switched Aaryn's eyebrow pencil for a sharpie marker.
When the camera angle switched to Andy I noticed something I had never paid attention to before. Andy has elf ears.
After that, I couldn't look at any of the HGs without studying their faces for oddities that I had not yet noticed.
So...I gave up and went to bed.
Hi, Carolyn - My 1st time joining in - I read every day. Love BBDish!!
Caro - How did Sanity Sunday treat you? On a scale of Judd to Gm, how sane are you this evening? :))
Good evening Carolyn!! Good evening Dishers!! Happy Sunday Show Day!!
Still finding it difficult to root for anyone. Well, maybe each weeks underdogs.
My take on the guests:
Amanda, crude, foul mouthed, entitled, whiney, annoying.
McCrae, lazy slacker who, IMO, is just going to float through life doing little, has a good understanding of the game but seems reluctant to use it, his best move would be to get Andy to put Amanda up.
Helen, playing the best game, a typical politician, tells everyone what they want to hear, please shut up for 5.
Andy, I don’t see how he keeps his lies straight, maybe because he talks so much, so fast, no one notices, afraid to make any waves.
Elissa, just annoying and, IMO, not too bright, just floating on Helen’s coattails.
Aaryn, a beast of a player, but playing scared and blew her opportunity to take over the game by not putting up Amanda and Mccrea, also basically not a very nice person.
Jessie, immature eye candy, has been maligned by the other players, willing to act but can’t figure out how, unable to rally others.
Spencer, a good player in a bad position, done and said some really stupid things, no support.
Annemarie, I really feel sorry for this poor girl, she does not belong in this situation.
I think the only chance for anyone besides Amanda, Mccrea or Helen, to get to the final 2 or 3, is for Andy to make a move. Don’t think it’ll happen, he’ll continue to play their game until one of them does it for him and he’ll hope to ride their coattails, he’ll get dumped. The only other hope is that Spencer, or Jessie win the next HOH, I think they are the only ones that might put up power players.
We’ve had one bold move this season, Judd’s eviction, think how exciting that was. Can they do it again, or will they just coast to a final?
Stay tuned.
Hello everyone. I made it just in time. It's been kinda quite in the house today.
Hi Carolyn & everyone!
Hope you had a great relaxing day.
I was so sad when Judd left.
good evening all glad to be here
Hi Caro and all the other dishers here this Sunday night.
I'm still laughing at Spencer's comments around 4:40 cam 1 bb time. He was telling Andy what he's thinking of saying Thurs night. After apologizing for his snoring and stuff he's going to say he also has Chen-a-phobia and.... it was really cute
peanut butter cup ice cream anyone?
Hey Lucky13! :)
ilissa - :) I'm so Judd ;)
Hi MovieTalk :) Welcome!! Thank you very much!
Hi Panchita! :) Hugsss!!
Hi Grendon! :) LOL!! That is So me! Mostly with the talking head newscasters.. and then, it's ALL I can see.
Hi Jerry :))
HI ShiShi! :) FINALLY! Took these HGs a while to get with the Sunday Sanity program ;-)
Hi Samantha! :) Thank you!! I did!
Hi TripL! :) That is cute.. and yes please! :) sounds delicious!
Hi MCCornett! :) Very glad to see you!
hey all!
Helen told Andy: "You better not backdoor me Andy. Me and Elissa will haunt you from the jury house."
To me that sounds like a threat that Andy would not get her vote which is fine but...
Helen has talked about blindsides and backdoors every week. Helen loves and respects the game. If Andy backdoored Helen, she should respect being outplayed,not hold a grudge.
Also, really annoyed at this, just because Helen gets backdoored why does she assume Elissa would be in jury house with her? Does she think Elissa would be so broken hearted that she would give up her game and volunteer to leave with Helen? And why would Helen's backdooring have anything to do with Elissa's vote? Does Helen control everything? Apparently people can't even cast their own votes.
She has rubbed my last nerve to a tiny, bitter little stub.
Hi Caro and Dishers. I have banned myself from the show but I will be dishing. Have a great show everyone!
Hi Carolyn!!
Hi Dishers!!
The links are super choppy tonight ... really wish I had a direct line to East Coast viewing ... oh well, love you!! Thanks!!
Thanks for the nice welcome I've been here but haven't had much to say. I fear that I'm not as clever as some other posters. Love reading everyones thoughts
Hi DavidB! :))
MCornett :) Everyone has value...
Hi Steph! :)) I think it's because of all the TWC customers.. super heavy volume..
Hi ManiacRose! :)) Boooo!! and yayyyyy!!!
@Grendon...tiny, bitter little stub. Hahahahahahahahaha
Thanks once again for the links!
Hi, everyone. It will be fun to go back a couple of days, but I have to say how frustrated I am in the lack of game play. So sick of everyone going with the flow. Poor Jessie can't articulate what they need to do, so she'll probably be gone this week.
Grendon, I laughed out loud at the eyebrow and elf ears comments, because I had been thinking the same thing! Funny.
Hugs}}} Carolyn. Hi everyone.
Hi All!
Grendon, your last sentence at 5:01puts my feelings put into words exactly - thanks!
Ah, that makes sense .. even more trying to get on ... I might have to watch it at 8 PST ...
Good evening Carolyn and dishers! I dread to see tonight's show. I hated that they voted out Judd, I am still sick to my stomach over it. My only hope is that we get to vote someone back in, yep he has my vote!
I {{{heart}}} Grendon!!!
My Sanity Sunday - Slept IN!!!!! til 7am!!!! (like a real bona fide human!)
Had breakfast.. Watched Season 8, Episode 1 of Dexter.. Went for a bike ride.. Stopped for Cuban coffee.. More bike ride.. Visited friend (like a real bona fide human).. Got accupuncture and a little e-stim and ice and massage (to feel more like a real human).. More bike ride.. Starbuck.. Bike ride.. Dinner with Mom. :)
And here I am.
Hi Plasticgoat :) you bet!
Hi PattiZ! :))
Hi OldWoman! :)
Hi GoodTimes! :))
ALL: ditto re Judd... Ommmmm
(i'm watching it on tv tonight.. so if you're watching the live stream, I'll be 8 minutes behind ya)
Hahaha "like a real human." Happy show everyone. Especially our well rested Carolyn!
Hey Carolyn!!
Happy Sunday Show!!! :-D
Oh My Goodness a lot went out during voting, goodness
Happy Sunday Show!!
Hi Anthony!! :))
Hi Nancy! :) Thank you!
Happy Sunday everyone.
I have watched BB UK and BB Australia. They both have proper launch shows for the first night. I wish we did that for our BB. It gives a chance to learn a little about each HG and we start the show with the HGs when they enter the house. Our first night goes so quick with everyone being shoved in and going straight to an HOH. By the time we get feeds they have already made relationships and it takes a couple weeks just to figure out who we like. Much less confusing the way they do it.
BTW-Australia house is AHmazing. It's way better than our house.
I don't like GM!!!!!!!!!
Happy Sanity Sunday.. I am a little late but here.
Thanks for the updates Carolyn and Lessa.
Also thank you Michigan Man for the updates in the comments :P
Jerry I am right there with you when it comes to the house guests.
I don't like GM!!!!!!!!!
OH my looked what we didn't see. At lease now the rest of the viewers can how mean GM is. I do hope she goes next week
Hi Carolyn! :) Hi all!! :)
Happy Sunday Show!!
Hi Tam! :))
HiJoni! :) She's pretty awful..
Hi Basal :))
Helen is a MONSTER!!! I love it.....Hello everyone, lol!
Hi JBo! :)
ALL: I *really* don't need to see the Judd slaughter rehashed.. :( do you?
:( poor Judd! :(
Noo Sad memories!!
with as awful as Aaryn's comments prior to Kaitlyn's departure had been, I really feel like she's turning the tables here and painting herself a rosey little 500G picture. She better hope she wins since she's going to have to go into hiding after she gets out of the house. i'm KINDA on #teamaaryn right now although it's hard to admit...
Aww Seeing Judd Crying Awww :'-(
I'm sad :(
This was bad! Shouldn't be easy to evict your friend.
I am sorry but I just can't stand Helen!
Im a little behind in the show, but I got no problem want GM said. Candice started it and GM finished it
IMO Judd and Jermey's eviction were the only two that made strategic sense.
Hi Penny :))
ALL: Ok.. I take it back.. I'm very glad they showed us what transpired during the commercial break..
GM has to go!!! she's a terrible terrible person!!
It is so heartbreaking watching Judd plead like that, and he was my fav! I am hoping there is a chance for his return. I am also really appalled watching GM say those hateful, hateful words to Candice. Wow.
Hi all!
I KNEW Helen was too smart to believe that Judd was MVP! She used Amanda's bs to get out a strong player in the opposing alliance. She collapsed the Goof Troop in 5 minutes.
True colors are emerging.
We always get to vote for a favorite, right? :)
Thank you commercial I can find my tissues.
OMG. That was so sad....I didn't realize they were so broken up over getting rid of Judd. But you know who you didn't see crying? That oh man....I think she's gonna make it to the end, right next to Aaryn....wouldn't that be delicious? Lol
Put Helen's a** on the block and see how she likes being back doored! That was just as sad today as it was Thursday. I hope he gets to come back. If not lets give him Americas Player.
Hey here late...and am sitting here in tears after watching Judd's departure!!!! I really hope he gets to come back in!!!!
gah! heart renching cant see the screen thu the tears
Hi Carolyn and BB addicts! Just want to put my 2 cents in. These HGs!!! After seeing the behind the scenes of Judd's evictions. Can't they see who is pulling all the strings. Like I said before...Open you eyes!!!
Shi Shi
Patti Z
Old Woman
Helen from NJ
Thank you all.
Sorry it took a few minutes to respond. I was wiping a Judd tear from my eye.
I'm 8 minutes behind too Carolyn. @Penny, I;m kinda #teamaaryn too.
Hello everyone! Watching Judd leave again was so sad :(
Poor Judd. I couldn't. Have watched that again.
Ok. I'm. Gonna turn it on I can't. Stand not knowing secret things. Lol
Happy Sunday Show!!
Hi Cyninbend! :)
Hi JBo! :)
Nancy - yup!
Hi Leeee! :) Indeed!
Hi Judy! :) Me too!
Hi LEE! :) mm hmm
Hi Helene :)
I was cheering, finally something unexpected in this season.
Helen is disgusting
Can you share the link, G?
sugar free fudgesicle, anyone?
Judd knew exactly who not to hug
Umm Janelle had a little more class than Aayrn does,
In past season we never really got most of the house crying over one person before they made a big moves and stood by them.
(There were some crying over HGs but not much)
But I didn't us fans never cried over hgs leaving ;)
loved spencer's comment about them being like wild hogs and devouring each other at a moments notice
I'm sorry but I can never be team Aaryn!!
Nursing a hangover today lol. Need greasy carbs and sugar hehe!!!!
joni - mmmm..2 of my favorite cheat food groups ;)
Me either. And then the Rap last night. Not good
Too all the people saying that McCrae is dirty, excuse me but I see him shower quite often. He usually just crawls back into bed after he does it. Except for the times he has a cigarette and then crawls back into bed.
I still think he is adorable.
Only real men can cry.
Happy Sunday show day :)
Good evening BBDisher's and a special shout out to our dear Carolyn **Smoochies**
That was really sad to have to see all over again with Judd leaving :( Seeing him beg everyone to stay in the game,ugh :(
Hoping to get to vote him back in,that would be PRICELESS!!!!
Aaryn was more to blame than Ellissa.
Judd's eviction....^tear
Judd's eviction....^tear
I'm just sick about GM's comments to Candice. I figured it went on during the commercial break, but thing that stinks is people will want to sit next to her in the end...I cant believe anyone who heard that will EVER give her the win and everyone who heard it will be in jury. Sorry Caro, but that girl is a POS
oh lord help me. jessie thinks she still has a chance lol! it's cute kinda....
helen is such a stealthy player but i can't be the only one tired of her played out mom strategy can i?
GM was provoked but what she said was uncalled for. Glad Candice could let it roll off her back and walk out the door with a smile. Just hope she keeps that smile when GM walks into the jury house soon.. ;)
Did you see Helen outside Smoking Thursday Late night?? It was like she was on of the mean girls it did not set well with me.
Thay said Jessie was awful At this. Doesn't look like it.
Judd's eviction....*tear
Seeing the houseguest cry, makes me so angry. They could have kept him. Unfortunately, when they see that their assumptions about Judd were mistaken, it will not matter to Amanda because she is to narcisstic to care and Helen has got to be the most cold blooded, calculating person I have ever seen. I hope Judd comes back, but first, I would like for BB to reveal that America was the MVP vote.
Happy Sunday Show!!
Hi CeeMurph! :))
Hi Andrea! :)) HUGS!
Hi Dawn! :) i feel ya
Hi Wendy2!!!
Anthony - yup.. seeing her smoke is always odd to me.
I agree Grendon. I also think McCray is adorable. I hope he wins the whole thing! Oh and yeah he takes showers all the tome, not so sure he washes his hair though. lol
This program is for entertainment, I still think it would be much more entertaining to vote Candice back in.
Lol Amandas reaction
McCrae making noises reminded me of Rachel Making noises off to the side of Competitions when Brendon was playing to distract from other from winning and he is doing it to Elissa.
Hahahaha "Andy Cherry in the Cup"
Come on Amanda "Banana Splitting Up"
If it wasnt for the live feeds, we might all be pulling for Aaryn
Okay, Aaryn's comment about Amanda getting eliminated by her man made me lol.
Maniac Rose
Jessie was bad on the practice equipment. I didn't hear them say she was awful in the HOH comp. They did say she was awful at the POV though.
Andy is everyone's friend lol!!!
Aaryn The Good Witch??
hahaha The Andy Bit about being safe
That HOH is why Helen wants to get out the guys
I'd be good with either choice 1 or 2 :)
Head cheese and habaneros!
what was #3??
What in the world are cow peas???
It's interesting that Andy has worn his tee in 2 interviews before they even show him getting it in his HOH basket. Also Amanda is a poor looser
Head cheese?? Cow peas??
I could eat me some cottage cheese though ;)
Omg... the DR sessions talking about how comfortable everyone is with Andy.... that was hilarious!
Turnips and Taffy for #2?
And how many of you looked up Cow peas,like me ;)??
I guess we all are free to like what we like. Candice did absolutely nothing that I found entertaining unless you consider fighting as entertainment. I'm all for a good fight, but Judd could also make me laugh. And Judd was a MUCH better player than Candice which is more entertaining in my opinion.
Turnips and taffy is the friendly choice
I have to say Helen's rah-rah BS is starting to get on my nerves. Give it a rest already. And Amanda, get over yourself!
Amanda crying over being a loser is irritating....
I really wish someone would make a big move, and get Amanda or Helen out. I actually like both of them, but good Lord, that would be a HUGE MOVE!!!!!!!!
If you think head cheese is actually cheese, go look it up. That is a great combo to have with habaneros.
I really cannot deal with Amanda's pity party. Come on! Everyone cannot be good at everything.
Ahhhhhh that may have been it.
Can Helen PLEASE just zip it!!! I mean really!!! Enough!!! Can they just backdoor her this week??? Big game move Mom!!! Sorry, but you are SO amazing!!
Oh Come on!! there was more to that meeting between Andy and Helen than her telling him about Amanda and McCrae.
They edited it a little odd or was it just me?
Helen is just rationalizing to keep her new little minion Jessie safe
If Helen wabts to make big moves... How about coming out of the shadows and doing it yourself! There is no WE honey!!!
Sorry folks, but I'm 8 mins. behind....that Helen....
I swear, she really is amazing...they are going to find a way to bring her back. If I had to pick a winner, I'd say her. She is amazing at putting that "bug" in their ear...absoluting amazing, lol.
Hi everyone! And a special hi to Carolyn who without you I would never know what really goes on inside the BB house. I am the proud mother of 2 beautiful children, one who has Autism, and taking care of him daily does not afford me the time to watch the feeds so without you I would be lost. :)
Anyway, I just wanted to say how classy I think us dishers are. I have been a loyal disher for over 6 years and while I had some rare free time today on this Sanity Sunday I thought I would look at some other sites and comment sections (which I have never done before) because I was curious about others thoughts on the controversies this year and the things other sites are allowing people to post. The back and forth and language some sites are allowing others to post is insane! I am far from being one who is easily offended too. It's like a bunch of GinaMarie's having a heated conversation.
And lastly, as an Italian woman who's family is from Queens, NY, I am ashamed and embarrassed to think that others might assume that all Italian women act (and talk) like GinaMarie even in her non-offensive moments....we don't. Those Hollywood cliche things she keeps saying are driving me batty (Italian Stallion, swim with the fishes, etc.)
Sorry for being long winded. Love you Carolyn and all those who contribute to this amazing blog! I am one of the "phone only" dishers and will be hitting the tip jar for sure this year!
Yes, I am sooooo voting for the head cheese & habaneros!
OMG!! I just looked up head cheese and I have to wonder if a lot of people actually eat it.
When Judd comes back he is gonna blow up Helen's game
Can we vote Helen out?? Please??
Helen's jury speech
Aaryn made my first big move for me-Howard
Aaryn made my second big move for me-Judd
I tried to get Andy to make my third big move for me-he didn''t, boo hoo.
Oh, and I'm a mom.
Head Cheese (barf)
Im gonna miss Jessie's shorts
Helen its not your HOH So Zip it up,
Uh oh. Andy is going to be next on Helen's hit list when he doesn't nominate Am or Mc for replacement nom.
Hi NikaNico :) Thank you so much!! Dishers are a very special group.. hand picked, even :)
Thanks Caro, nighty nite
Thanks, TripL! :) nite nite
Thank you for the links ... they worked best when I didn't click back and forth ....
you bet, Steph :)
Nite nite ...
It was fun as usual hanging out with everyone! Goodnight Carolyn and all of my wonderful BB lovers :)
Good night, Dishers :))
Have fun on the feeds tonight! I'll see you dark and early with the overnight report.
That was a emotional but incredible episode. So many emotions going on. There's a lot of people who are going to feel stupid when they see the show. Hope Judd gets back in.
Hello Carolyn and Dishers!!
This is the best BB site on the web! I have been an avid follower for a couple of years, but have never had the courage to post a comment.
Michigan Man,
Thank you so much for your updates. It really helps "fill in the missing pieces".
I love, love, love your comments. There are times when I read your posts that I feel like you are reading my thoughts, LOL.
Fellow Dishers,
I would like to share something that I believe to be the new strategy of the 3AMs (I believe McCrae said he liked this new alliance name because it included the 3, A initials of Amanda, Andy, Aaryn and his initial for McCrae). I am not sure if they have officially settled on this new alliance name, but I believe they are replacing the Goof Troop name.
About a week ago, McCrae and Amanda discussed how they were going to separate themselves in the eyes of the other HGs so they would not be perceived as an obvious F2 and automatically be put on the block together. They discussed having a fake fight and breakup, etc. I believe that their current plan is to make fake side alliances with other HGs and tell them that there are problems in their relationship and they are not sure they can completely trust each other. All 4 members of the alliance basically have the same mission and they are each aware of what each other is doing.
For example, Amanda knows that McCrae and Andy have included Spencer and are supposedly not telling Amanda everything (as far as Spencer knows). McCrae and Andy are doing the exact same thing with Helen.
Andy and Aaryn are now a twosome and doing what Andy and Judd used to do. Their mission is to befriend certain other HGs and find out where their “heads are at”. The two of them report back to each other and ultimately to Amanda and McCrae.
Aaryn’s mission is to keep her thumb on Jessie and GM. Andy keeps up with Helen and Spencer. Amanda keeps up with Elissa. McCrae keeps up with Spencer and Helen, also.
This is pretty brilliant since I don’t think that anyone is positive yet that Andy and Aaryn are in an F4 with Amanada and McCrae. I realize the Goof Troop was basically doing this all along, except now Aaryn has taken Judds place. The new twist in this plan is to convince everyone that is not in the alliance that Amanada and McCrae are NOT the solid F2 that everyone has always believed them to be.
Well, that’s my two cents :-)
Would love to see Judd come back. Not because he was entertaining, which he was. Not because he was one of the least objectionable of these people, which he was. I want him back because his actions on the way out clearly show me he would be going after Elissa and Helen.
I have to work a full time shift again this week so late night times and comments from me :(
I'll be back next week though, Saturday morning even.
I'll talk to you all in the slow part of the days. Bathing Beauty time.
Major kudos for your strength in taking care of your son. I nanny a 6 year old who just got diagnosed with adhd, ocd, and asperger's (his mom and I had suspected it long before it was confirmed) and it is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I relish my days off and the fact that I go home at night, especially during periods when his medication is being adjusted.
I really admire you.
I missed the viewing party! My internet was down until 2AM so the show didn't even DVR! I loved reading all the comments and kept wondering what all I missed. I will have to watch it online later when it's available.
I too want Helen or Amanda out ASAP! It's really kind of sad to say that because GM and Aaron should have been out a long time ago yet the other 2 are almost as bad in a different way.
I know this sounds terrible but in regards to McCrae's cleanliness, I read on twitter that Amanda got on him about smelling bad and he said he hadn't showered in 2 days and had been wearing the same underwear for 3 days. Who knows if it's true?
I love this site and all the comments! ( Okay, most of the comments )
I just finished watching the show. The segment with Judd was heart breaking... no doubt if there was no MVP he would not have been leaving, or if "America" would have targeted GM or Aaryn instead. Thanks all of you who voted for Amanda... it backfired. :-( It's amazing that voters did not see that happening with the paranoia... two weeks in a row, they vote for somebody who has a big alliance. Stupid. Sorry. I am just really upset about Judd being 'done' that way. I hope he gets a chance to come back. And if so, look out Helen.
OK... have to add and this will date me...
McCrae in the HoH comp... reminded me of Beavis and Butthead.
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