Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good Evening, BB Lovers! Happy Wednesday Show Night!!
What a day on the live feeds!! Non-stop from the word go! They broke me. Complete brain meltdown... and they're not gonna stop til someone leaves the house tomorrow night! Good golly. Then there's the matter of - What type of comp will it be? Lockdown started at 2:50pm BBT, and if they're in for the night, we may well be looking at Endurance... or another physical comp that spills over onto the feeds.
West Coast BB Fans, if you'd like to watch along with us on the east coast, I've got what you're looking for right here:
If you haven't gotten the feeds yet this season, you are completely missing out on the very best Big Brother has to offer.
Please check out this post: 20 Million Hits!! BB Dish Gives Back!! - There are important details to read there, but the gist of it is this... 10 people who sign up for the live feeds through the links on BBDish this week are going to be reimbursed (by me) for a month subscription! It's my way of saying thank you for helping BBDish reach this incredible milestone. :)
It's Canadian, So we're covered
for Political interruptions too.
for Political interruptions too.
If you haven't gotten the feeds yet this season, you are completely missing out on the very best Big Brother has to offer.
Please check out this post: 20 Million Hits!! BB Dish Gives Back!! - There are important details to read there, but the gist of it is this... 10 people who sign up for the live feeds through the links on BBDish this week are going to be reimbursed (by me) for a month subscription! It's my way of saying thank you for helping BBDish reach this incredible milestone. :)
But now... We've got an HG Effigy PoV Comp to see on the Wednesday Show.. The viewing party's in the comment section! Clothing optional, as always. ;p~ I'll bring the watermelon! See ya there!
Watch Big Brother 13 on SuperPass -
Good evening everyone. or in my case good late afternoon. Is everyone ready for tomarrows show?
Evening Carolyn
Hi Genie and the rest of the Dishers.
I'm early for a change, can't wait to see how CBS will follow up the Sunday show.
Hello Disher!
Can't wait for POV!
yay-I made it tonight!
Happy Show night Genie, Caro and fellow dishers!
Hello Caro and fellow dishers
I'm in my GATOR nightshirt, have a fresh cup of coffee, and just stretched out on my bed... bring on the games.
Oh Caro, thanks a bunch on the Fara interview....makes me want to root for Adam.
Hi Michelle!
work has kept me away from posting most of the past week, but I have been reading the posts everyday in between clients. I am so thankful for having The Dish and Caro and Genie to keep me updated. if not for them I would be so in the dark! Thank you thank you!!
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hi Jadaz!! :)
Hi CurlerChick! :)
Hi Michelle in IN!! :)
Hi Lisa!! :)
Hi TripL in CenFL! :)
Hey Everybody!! Can't believe I made it tonight!!
Thanks Carolyn for the interview with Fara (I thought it was spelled with H on end but guess not); it was great and what a surprise!!
Does everyone believe that Adam is true to Rachel and Jordan FOR REAL THIS TIME???
Just FYI - Fara popped in to thank everyone on the Interview Post. :)
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hey Eddie! :)
Hi Janice! :)
Hi everyone!
Cant wait to see Rachel win the POV! but I will get home soooo late - tnx G-d for DVR!
Dishers! That should have said Dishers!
Good Evening Caro and Dishers!!!
Here's hoping for a great show! :)
Hiya Everyone! :) PoV! PoV! :)
OH Caro, I also want to give you a BIG hug for talking about BBlite yesterday. I downloaded it and find it sooooooo much better than the Real Superpass feeds.
Hello everyone!
Let's get this party started!!!
Hello fellow Dishers!!!
The pov is gonna be awesome tonight! Can't wait!
Off topic, I figured out that I've been watching since Season 2. Now I'm trying to figure out how long it's been since I've been "with" the Dish. I know it was when Ross Matthews provided the link. Which brings me to my point...Carolyn, perhaps I'm not the only one who would be interested in the history of BBDish. How long it's been going, why'd you start it, how has it grown? Obviously this wouldn't be something you'd be interested in spending any time on until the end of the season!
Thanks, as ALWAYS, for all you do.
I changed my profile picture to show my TRUE COLORS...........GREY!!
I turned 60 a few weeks ago and decided to let it all hang out, grey hair and everything!!
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hi KScoot!! :)
Hi Boquida!!
:) ur welcome, Tripl :)
Hi MrsH!! :) Where've you been?!
MIchelle - hehehe
Hi Regy!! :)
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hey Janice! :) ooh! I have to come look then! :) (the moderation side shows no pics)
Hi Nancy!! :) Nice idea Nancy :) I'll do that. Once we're all done and I've collapsed for at least a month or so..
I'm here and ready hi all!
It's game on!
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hi Melia!! :)
Hey Genie!! zomg, I miss you!
Hi everyone!
Hi Paula!! :)
Okay now I have changed it on Blogger plus on Google so maybe my new photo will show up now......
All this review stuff; I am ready to see new stuff on the show!
Hi everyone!
Happy Wednesday night Carolyn, Genie Sea and fellow dishers! Now that I am over Dani and Jeff leaving the house I am ready for game on.... I have to say it I want Rachel and Jordan to the final 2.... go vets...
LOL Shelly's DR regarding Porsche's stuffing...
Great pic, Janice!! :) You look wonderful! :)
Boooooo, Adam! His diary session is going against Jochel??? So disappointed...
hihi all an woot woot this will be a good one i hope rach jor get hoh next week.
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hi SandraB! :)
Hi GoodTimes!! :)
:) Paula
Hi TracyRae :) That could change... It was early.
Why doesn't Porsche just say I put you up because your last of the vets and your my target.
I forgot that we did not see nominations yet. I hope they still show the veto comp.
Hiya Tiffany :)
Hi Therese! :) Didn't we see noms on Sunday? (I'm braindead)
so sorry! My daughter has to wait until the weekend to watch the last three episodes on dvr with her honey so she decided to call me ;) grrr
xoxox to all of you ~ hope you are having a good day!
I'm wondering why J/R are just ignoring Porsche - she may not be great at questions (do even know that for sure) but she can kick some butt in skill/endurance. That worries me. I am liking the more open/honest Shelly. I wish she had of been so forthcoming with info originally, but I agree with Rachel, she played a good game and got her this far.
I would say YAY final five but there are at least two that I don't think deserve to be at this point. Know who they are?? lol
Thanks Carolyn!! I am trying to embrace my age, grey hair/wrinkles and ALL!!
I have a hard time liking Porsche at all. That girl just grates on me.
Even not telling the house what she won in Pandora's box. Nothing about her character is honest.
hoh tomorrow not in a week lol
I hope so, but that showed how easily he swayed when he got nervous...not near as confident as I was before about what he would do if Kalia/Porsche come out on top this week.
What does everyone think about Adam? Do yall think he will stick with Rachel/Jordan this time and go to final 3 with them??
Hope Jordan and Rachel come to their senses and not really keep Shelly... OY! For the love of Emily Valentine!
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
I know a lot of women doing that on their 60th.. I think it's awesome! :)
Hi Sparklin!! :) hehehe
Eddie - Who do you think Adam's being straight with? Porsche/Kalia or Jordan/Rachel.. or is just waiting to see who wins HoH?
Hi Shamrock! :)
Love your new photo - you just as good in grey
lol jor loved it rachs the worse at talking lol
I am about 95% certain he is being straight with Jordan and Rachel. I can tell he honestly has a soft spot in his heart for her as a person and I also think he is still loyal to Jeff and is "watching out" for Jeff's girl. Just my 2 cents..
I love seeing Jordan take charge!
Eddie - Thanks.. As his friend.. you know best!
This never crossed my mind before, although I'm sure others probably thought about it.
There has been the question of how close Adam and Porsche really are and if there was any loyalty regarding their secret final 2 deal. I think Pandora's Box put that to rest.
If there was any loyalty Porsche would have chose Adam to be her partner. It would have not only given him the gift of $5,000, but it also would have ensured his safety as he would not have been eligible to be the renom.
Evening Caro, Genie, Dishers! Hope everyone is well.
Great interview Caro, you are awesome, as usual!!
Hi RedRhonda!! :) Thanks hon!! :)
Hiya Grendon! :)
Holy moly!! Sorry I'm late! Stupid computer wouldn't log in fast enough for me.....then it started doing darn updates so it took even longer!! Grrrrrrr
Hope everyone has had a stellar day!
Caro!! How you holding up?? Sending vats of java and new fingertips and energy :)
((hugs)) everyone!
i think jor rach are getting rid shelly tomorrow they dont trust them but trust adam more then shelly
Ugh, this is the only show I can't wait to watch until after the fact...dang the commercials!
Just get to the comp already I am so impatient! lol
Hi JulieB!! :) I'm broken.. But I'll make it to friday.. omg.. Would you believe I'm out of coffee? llol.. gotta run and get some when the show's over.
MIchelle - Ditto!!!!!
Shelly's Boo hoo poor me, is just not touching my very emotional heart
I'mmmmmm baaaaack!!!!!
Jordan: Come on Rachel, lmao...
HAve a feeling tonight's show is gonna bring the Shelly haters' out more and i don't like that. She's received too much hate already. They need to show something good so maybe some of the hate will go away...
Hellooooooooooooo everyone!
Happy Show Night!! I survived my first day back at school! Let's just hope I survive the show tonight without passing out from exhaustion. :)
Thanks Carolyn & CurlerChick!! I think when you reach a certain age (diff for everyone) you just decide to be true to yourself and not worry or care what anyone thinks. I believe turning 60 is what did it for me! I feel so liberated!!
Eddie, so good to see Adam's friend here! I sure hope you're right! Adam sure seems like a good guy, a big teddy bear who just doesn't want to hurt anyone. I believe too that he wants to take care of Jeff's girl for Jeff because he really became close to Jeff in the house. I didn't like the way Jeff treated him at times though!
I am ready to see that POV comp; aren't yall??
Note to self: Do NOT let Adam be my beer pong partner until he gets some practice :). That game is an absolute STAPLE for us around here
For those asking no we did not see noms on tv yet...
Porsche is really getting on my good side lately.
Shelly I understand you love your family but if you ever play the game again try and talk about them as if they are in the game with you. They have no say over whether you win or lose they just love you.
Did we? lol - I can't remember, but I don't feel like I have heard that Porsche speech before.
Do they usually show them over again on the Wed show? I should know this. I thought they do, but it is in black and white to show it is in the past?
Eddie, my fingers are crossed that you are right and that the girls vote Shelly out tomorrow. You have to know I'll wanna beat his butt if he turns on them...hahahah j/k
I hope to see him in final 3 and wouldn't feel bad at all about him taking it all. He's been loyal so far ~ here's hoping his soft spot for Jordan keeps keeping on :)
Carolyn, your interview with Fara was awesome! Thanks for sharing. Does she post here or just read??
lol at the dummies
I love the dummies!
lol love it
Good Evening Everyone!! :) Happy Wednesday Show Night!!! :)
Hi ManiacRose!! :)
Hi Toniiiii!! :)
Eddie - LOL!
Yes - Fara posted a comment in the interview post..
this is good one lol adam down right away
You look mahvelous dahling!!!
Jordan: "this isnt like Survivor"
I love her!
I'm a little behind the actual show, but from what I understand, the entire POV was 33 minutes and Jordan lasted 9 minutes and Adam lasted 5 minutes and Shelly outlasted Jordan.
AAAaaahhhhhhh, that was awesome! Stinky Kalia!
O.M.G. Kalia...too funny
I know I'm not there, but that didn't look too difficult to me :)
Rachel looks good at this comp.
Hi Kassie :) Sure does..
Wow, I can't believe Kalia's hung on that long.
Kalia did a pretty darn good job!
yessss woot woot go rach jor
Wildfires in OKC and Edmond, so nothing but coverage of that. I'll have to wait and watch the show on
Thank Caroline for adding me to your facebook Hello fellow Dishers
Kalia and Porch said Rachel was over the top when she won and said the thing about final 5 but I didn't think she was.
She must calmer than they were when the HOH win happened for Porch
Hi Atx - Or.. you could've just watched via the link on this post..
It was nice to see Rachel and Jordan not over-celebrate the POV .... unlike some others. lol.
Hi Caro !
Hi Genie !
Hi Rob :) My Pleasure! Welcome!
My sweetie just called and he's going to be away longer than expected :( darn
HugPile on JulieB!!!
Toni...I haven't seen you in a while and was worried :(
Glad you are ok and here oxo
Which one?
i dont do commercials either i dvr bb while im here and watch it after
The one right on the middle of the post:
West Coast BB Fans, if you'd like to watch along with us on the east coast, I've got what you're looking for right here:
☺East Coast CBS Feed☺
It's Canadian, So we're covered
for Political interruptions too.
Is it just me or does Rachel have the Alicia Silverstone mouth?
hmph.. dishonest sound edit.. "can I have you for 5 minutes" was in the bathroom.
How odd that I am finding Rachel so pretty lately...and with less makeup. Her and Jordan bring out the best in each other for sure, unlike the other two girls who bring out the worst. I wish they would target Porsche asap she scares me.
Thanks JulieB!!
This time tomorrow night we will be seeing someone (Shelly?) leave and a NEW HOH!!
I can't wait for 24 hours to see what happens next on the live show!!
traci i agree with you
Why does Jordan always make me cry?????lol
How do I love Jordan
Let me count the ways!!
She is a gem
There's the nice Shelly edit you were looking for :)
Aww thanks, Sparklin! I am just busy with school starting today and next Wednesday for my daughter.
How are you feeling? How's working going?
Sparklin, I agree: she has also been much "prettier on the inside" which makes you prettir on the outside!
If I won anything I would jump for joy! isnt that human nature?
I hate to say it but Rachel and Jordan play a better game without their men.. They would be crazy to keep Shelly in the house..
Sparklin, I said the same think last week, Rachel just looks so much prettier and her hair looks awesome, I am really liking Rachel I hope she continues to go far....
Good thing it wasn't a snake!
atx - ;)
goot times - i agree.. and i'm loving that they're having the opportunity to see that for themselves.
I'm almost 100% but work is exhausting! Three days to get a months worth of work in AND get month end done. Thank goodness for remote access!
I thought the girls celebration was very classy.
lmao @ Porsches greedy butt
I've missed you guys!! My time warner box went out and I finally got a new one!
I will definitely be here for tomorrow night's live show viewing party!!! Can't wait to see who the new HOH is :)
I have to believe Shelly wouldn't do it again...but How can you believe her or Adam...only good thing is that one of them will go home and which ever stays is still useless...Please get rid of Shelly....please
Hello all ... Boy, Shelly is really begging ... Ugh
Rachel looks great in that dress.
WOW! I can't believe how much I have been complimenting her. She really has changed my opinion of her.
I am very cynical and can be a tough cookie. I saw Shelly's apology on the feeds when it happened. But seeing it again with the diary room that showed she was feeling sad (not mad) about Jordon giving her the cold shoulder, did make me feel teary eyed. I do believe that the feelings for Jordon and Jeff are genuine. I never said that Shelly was wrong to play the game, but I do believe her biggest regret is the pain she caused. Like Jordon, I wouldn't automatically trust her but...I was starting to feel better about her and then BOOM-smacked with another Shelly DR and it ruined the moment.
I'm thinking CBS is trying to put the nail in Shelly's coffin cuz they sure ain't doing her any favors.
yessss jury house woot woot
Yaaaaaaay, a look at the jury house!
Things get heated, that's what we wanted to the jury house...oh, my...
tomorrow: jury house footage! yay! I will watching using the link because of football here.
Wow! Rachel looks great in that dress!
OMG I don't want to wish time away but please let it be Thursday at 9:00 lol
I'm almost as excited to see the Jury house as HOH :)
OMG I don't want to wish time away but please let it be Thursday at 9:00 lol
I'm almost as excited to see the Jury house as HOH :)
No, Grendon, they are not giving S and leaway...I missed Adam's DR was it bad????
Now, I'm just wondering, who do you think, went hahahahah, you got evicted too, in other words who will start the "heat", Brendan, Dani or Jeff????hummmmmmmmm
Goodnight everyone :)
Enjoy the live feeds tonight!
I'll see you bright and early with the Overnight Report!
Missed the party :( dang work
Just wanted to say HI at least.
I have so much to catch up on.
Rachel looked amazing in that dress..she has the
Hi MM!! :)
Maniac Rose
I'm not sure about Adam's DR. I was so flabbergasted by Shelly. I was 'literally' in the middle of writing something nice about her and then she came on and said that everything she said to Jordon and Rachel was bassically a lie and she wanted the chance to vote them out so she didn't have to see either of them in final 2.
She needs to go to the jury house tomorrow. The viewing audience needs a couple Shelly free weeks to put her out of their minds so her transition back into the real world isn't as bad as I suspect it is going to be.
(Once again) I agree with Grendon. I kind of thought CBS/AG would edit the show to soften the Shelly hate out there, but no.....ain't happenin'.
Buh-bye Shelly!!
Here's hoping that Shelly's goooone tomorrow!
Rachel & Jordon are playing the game so much better without Brendon & Jeff because they actually listen eo each other and think things through together. They are constantly being shushed by there men!
Eddie, glad to have your insight!
Ahhh phooey... don't ya just hate it when real life gets in the way of Big Brother?!
I'm TOOOO late. =(
I hope I can keep my eyes open for another hour and a half to watch it here, on the West Coast. *sets DVR just in case*
Sowwy I missed the party! *boo boo lip!*
~smooches all around~
Thank you Carolyn for accepting me on facebook and the interview with Fara was great.
Well another lie by Shelly!!! She just said she just had her first BB related dream. Remember the other morning when she was talking with Racha and Rach was telling her the dream she had had the night before and Shelly told her she dreamed they were in the back yard of the BB house and Rachal pushed her in the pool and told her she had to stay there until Thursday.
Why does she lie about even little things like that. I'm surprised Rachal didn't call her on it.
Did anyone else feel like kalia was trying too hard to be like britney in her DRs? It seemed really forced and ridiculous.
Thanks for the info on the link for Wykipedia.
Very detailed info!
Hey Grendon not all of us want to see Shelly out of the house
Please for all the Jordan lovers out there She needs to be able to win something! SERIOUSLY she didnt last 5minutes
so if jordan turn on adam is there going to be death threat on jordan family? no
is this the exact same as shelly turning on jeff.? no but very close.
is jordan two faced if she vote out adam ? most certainly.
will there be any back lash ?
is this fair?
h@!! no
I am sure you have comments about this already and I don't know what time he started but it is 12:48 bbt f3&4 Adam talking to the feeders.
12:43 bbt
I have watched Shelly manipulate and loved it until she hurt Jordan, but I knew it was coming. What I don't understand is WHY she thinks she is a better player than Adam... he won a veto...thrown or not...And he is a better nicer manipulater. And he doesn't talk trash about anyone just because it makes them look better to other house guests.
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