BB15: Wednesday Show Viewing Party
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This is your real hair after years of weaves. Just say no! |
On tonight's show, we'll be seeing the MVP Reveal and Nomination, The PoV Competition, and whatever storylines they decide to share with the tv only folks. I'm psyched to see the PoV Comp. From the way the HGs have described it, it sounds really cool.
What you you think they'll show the tv only folks tonight? More racial tension? It's calmed down this week, what with Aaryn on the block and behaving herself accordingly. Perhaps a focus on the Jeremy-Kaitlin Showmance? Prank night would certainly be fun to include... Or perhaps the ongoing saga of the Widow Uhas..
Please join us in the comment section. That's where all the action happens during a viewing party.. and chances are, the very thing you're looking for is right there. ;-)
**Don't forget!! Tonight on the feeds, the HGs have planned a talk show for you! It's called The Veto, and it should be a hoot. Also, Jeremy and Kaitlin are making a last stand - trying to get Aaryn evicted tomorrow instead of him. Spark em up! If you haven't gotten the feeds yet, and you'd like to try them out, here's a 2 day free trial to get you going.
Happy Wednesday Show!!!
Thank you for being a part of BBDish!
Looking for these??
Option A
Option B
Have at em!
Good Evening Carolyn, fellow BB addicts
I can't wait for tomorrow's show but we have to get through this one first so let's do this thing. Gimme those DRs and other funny stuff :)
Present :)
Good evening BBholics :)
Smoochies to my beloved Carolyn XX
Let's get this party started :)
Happy viewing party to you Caro and the others. My thunderstorms have stopped for tonight so I'm hoping my cable stays on.
Hello Sweet Carolyn and fellow Dishers! Happy viewing :)
Happy Wednesday Show!! :))
Hi Michigan Man!! :)
Hi Andrea!! :)
Hi tripl! :)
Hi Panchita!! :)
Hey Carolyn and everyone, cant wait to see the show tonight.. Kaitlin was campaigning but I don't think it will help Jeremy. He seems very humble now, too bad he hadn't acted that way before.. Oh and is Mcrae going to propose to Amanda??
Hello Carolyn & Dishers!
Hello my friends!
Thanks Caro, for the link!
I am so anxious for Thursday night show,ugh!! I really want to see Elissa in HOH and see what she can do with her week :)
I do know the sooner Aaryn goes home,the better!
Hi everyone happy Wednesday show night!!
Happy Wednesday Show!! :))
Hi Darlene! :)
Hi Sleepless! :)
Hi Ilissa! :)
Hi Jay! :)
Truth - I almost forgot there was a show tonight...
I think I'm not the only one. ;)
Happy viewing day, Carolyn and fellow watchers! Crazy week at my house but too crazy to read your blog!
My adorable daughter has been watching with us and she said when she's old enough (10 yrs to go) she wants to live in the BB house. We've also had several open conversations about race and "mean people" and also because we live in Orlando. So it's been interesting and I thank BB for opening up the conversation lines about race.
Happy Viewing to everyone!!! Xoxo
Hi Carolyn and Dishers.
Looking forward to spending the show with you. Thanks Carolyn for keeping us posted on the hamsters all day.
Hi Christine :) I'm sooooo happy to hear a positive outcome from all this. THank you for sharing that.
Hello All
Hey everyone I get to stay at the party today I got cable today :)
Happy Wednesday Show!! :))
Hi CurlerChick! :)
Hi Rob! :)
Hi Kassie! :) yayayayyy!!
Happy Wednesday show Carolyn and dish family! Yay, finally made another VP! ((Hugs)) to all :)
Hi WendyBBFanatic! :))
Hi Carolyn and every1...Enjoy the show
Hi Carolyn and every1 Enjoy the show!
Hi Susan! :) Thank you! You too!
hey everyone
Hi ReneeP! :)
Helen and bringing on the water works,love it!!
It won't work on my kids though lol
Am I losing my mind, or did she wear that for the last MVP reveal too?
wow, Helen cries for her kids to get them t do what she wants.
She may have Carolyn..I was wondering the same thing
Last week Elissa had the long legged black jumper thing.
Thanks, Christine :)
Happy Wednesday show! At work at the wine store till nine so can't watch till I get home. Thank god for PVR and The Dish
LOL - Carolyn, Elissa only has so many outfits, she's not Rachel :O
Hi Emmajane :)
CurlerChick - Maybe it's that i saw her wearing it on friday on the feeds.
I hope Amanda wins the whole thing
I'm loving Amanda's DR's her eyes are so animated. (OO)
Happy Wednesday show. Working at the wine store so can't watch til I get home (can't even drink the wine :) thank god for PVR and The Dish land Dishes. Have been lurking for years, finally found my voice
Emma - I'm glad you found your voice :)
I wonder if Julie will be able to interview Aaryn.. and will the audience be silent or boo her, if she makes the jury would the audience boo her when they all come out at the finale.. And GM needs to go, she has a problem in the head and doesn't even realize she is playing a game.. Poor Nick must be soooo embarrassed!
Good evening Carolyn and BBDish Crew!!
Helen and Amanda have dropped a few more notches with me. How about you?
That was a heated exchange between Elissa and Amanda. I missed that on the feeds
Hi everyone! They referred to Aaryn as "the most hated HG"...have they ever used such strong language on any other year?
Hello BB friends! I'm starting to really like Elissa. The longer she's in the house, the more down to earth she seems. It's good to see she is doing what is good for her game and not follow the pressure from others. Amanda, however, is starting to get on my nerves. It seems that if things don't go her way she gets upset.
I do not agree with the way Amanda treated Elissa over putting up Howard.I do understand why they wanted to do so though.
Welcome to the comment section Emma!
I love Elissa more each week! Glad she stood her ground.
Hi all.....ox
Helen-seriously!?! She just told GM that she has a great social game. Really. Mourning over someone who is not dead and calling people cockroaches. That's social? Color me confused.
Hi Jim! :)
Hi Corey! :)
Hi I4Git! :)
Hi Lucky13! :)
Hi Grendon! :)
Everyone -- I'm having trouble with the live stream. GOnna go watch on tv and dash back here during the commercials.
@Emma-jane Miller
Love the cat. He/she is beautiful.
And now the fake crying from Kait... Where are the tears? Guess she needs to take lessons from Helen.
I dont understand these girl I mean you come in the HOuse to win 500,000 dollors. Why would you give it up for a guy.
Right Grendon, they're all scrubs lmao all a yous!
just got home from work catching up on PVR :)
Almost time to see Candice eat dirt and Kait win the POV.
hi all..let's get this party started...ox
Woohoo, go Judd, use your outside voice. Yes, he has one. I love me some Judd!!!
Hi everyone*
A little late today. :(
Thanks for the link Carolyn*
I know it is too soon to say this but my final four are Amanda, MC, Judd and Jessie
This competition looks great. No wonder it took so long.
love this comp
Are the Rubber Duckies your's Carolyn?????
Cool Veto comp!!!! Love the Art!
Omg. No wonder the veto took forever.
This is why I like having the feeds. More well rounded picture. Amanda seems to get stressed out easy and then runs around being paranoid and hyper. Once she calms down she seems to make sense of things and is pretty reasonable. She also seems down to earth, low maintenance and she can take a joke-even when she is the punchline.
I don't think it was important to have Howard on the block if he wasn't the target. But Amanda knew SHE was HIS target. And she felt she put a lot of work in to help flip the vote that saved Elissa the week before. Amanda is still on my top 3 list.
Does gm know her name is aaryn not erin?
Happy Show Night. I'm fashionably late. Just waking up for the day and I can't type but I'm here. I'll be back when there's circulation in the fingers.
Loving the Veto Comp and Nick as the DiVinci man. haha. Does she have that in her shrine now?
Really GM??? By the grace of God and .... Nick???????
Goood evening. I would love that aaryn goes home instead jer but any of them is good.
lmao....It's Nick!!
LOL@ Nick's painting giving a little wink
Hey everybody! I'm just now getting here and I just now started watching tonight's show on DVR! Forgive me if this is already been a topic in the comments but did anybody catch it when they said that Jeremy was the first to tell Helen about the moving company alliance?? Wow!! Lol
I am very happy about ellisa not putting howard up if amanda and mcra wouldn't have pushed so hard she might have
Hey all!!! It they are doing comps in an odd order this year!
Hi GayTor! :)
Hi Pally!! :)
Hi Renee! :)
Hi Tiffany! :)
Hi DavidB! :)
Hi Jason! :))
holy heck aaryn sucked in veto
Is anyone else tired of Elissa? I dont get it... She's a nice woman, but a pointless HG
Are they going to realize that after They get Jeremy out, Kaitlan is the biggest threat.
Hi Paddy :))
Hi Jumbo :))
I feel like ELissa's really come into her own this week.. like we're finally getting to see who she is, now that she's finally not on the block for 5 minutes.
I disagree. I think Howard was the second biggest target in the house, but more importantly if you are trying to backdoor Jeremy putting Howard up is a much better move than Spencer
Carolyn, you will always have a job. After years of experience with the comments you are a perfect candidate for Wal-Mart Greeter.
*running just as fast as I can* Now in hiding.
I thought this was the late night of the week. I didn't forget the show and party, just the time.
Kaitlin probably had the TV only fans convinced she would not use it.
i am so mad with jer keeps using the Cherokee charm thing. Blah im behind i know that but man can he stop giving a bad name to us all (yes im part Cherokee
Yea... I am liking Elissa! Did anyone else see Rachel's wedding on "My Fair Wedding...."? She was on there too. I watched it today. Elissa is NOT her sister! HA
I agree that she was more involved this week I just feel like she has been given an ability to influence the game, but without MVP I dont think she brings much to the table at all.
Gaytor - If I publish that, I'll have to break 3 of my rules in my reply. You *better* run.
Where can I watch My Fair Wedding? ?
Stacey is present and accounted for. Hope u see it this time
My Fair Wedding?
LMAO @ Gaytor!!!!
Thank you again for hosting the party Carolyn!
Till tomorrow night XOXO
EVERYONE - If you'll be up watching the feeds between now and midnight bbt, I'd *really* appreciate it if you could alert me to anything big that goes down.. with camera/time - here in the comments.
Thank you!!!
That wasn't a great edit and no really good DRs. I hope they have something better for tomorrow. Aaryn getting blindsided would be nice.
I'm pretty sire Jeremy quoted Lion King in that last DR session...
Cherokee Chief?? That made me throw up a little, no a lot, in my mouth. The entire Indian Nation was just insulted.
My bloodline has Comanche and Apache and even I was insulted. If he even is actually Native American he would be out of the tribe already.
Hi Stacey! :)
LOL Dalia!
Susan Miller, your comment earlier re Helen crying to manipulate her kids: yeah, wow. Not good IMHO
Helen even more so. Lemme try to post this again. She's given everyone a step by step on manipulating her cause she won't stfu and simultaneously annoyed "her side" by professing to speak tor them all. I hole she's better at real world politics
Please go thru!
I definitely would have liked to see Howard on the block. But Elissa and Candice still have faith in him and I don't think Helen is ready to give up. I think they would have fought against voting him out this week even if they hadn't been able to BD Jeremy.
It's on the WE network. It's "My Fair Wedding With David Tutea."
;*crossing fingers it gets thru* seems to work. Can someone explain y mcmanda r convinced Howie is out to get them? I misses something big I guess
I saw the My fair Wedding, and a portion of her on one of those "yes to the dress" shows.
Another cool one was Kristen on Jerry Springer's Baggage. She won the date. She looked so different to me that it wasn't until she exposed her second piece of baggage, "I cheated on my boyfriend on national tv", that I realize who she was.
HAHA! Carolyn spanked me. * Oh, mama! ♫ Do that to me one more time. Once is never enough.... ♫ *
And I didn't even see it coming.
I kinda want Judd to win. I voted him as the king of cute or whatever it was
Or GM. God help us
Poor nick needs to enter witness protection before GM comes out
Spencer cracked me up on the trampoline.
Go, Elissa! Stand strong!
Really, Amanda? Give McK some space and stop pushing so much.
Yay, Elissa!
Spencer cracked me up on trampoline.
Amanda annoying cuz pushy and won't give McK space.
A crackerjack of a show!!!
This MVP twist was a brilliant concept. It could have gone down as one of the best twists in #BB history. The problem is that they picked a year to do it in which the same person is going to win because America is too dumb to vote for anyone but "the sister of Brenchel". So the result is...most disappointing twist ever. Thank you, CBS. I hope. Elissa gets voted out next week just to bring intrigue to the MVP twist.
Yes, that should have read I hope that Elissa with no period in between
Key West Conch
Howard made it clear last week that his target was Amanda. He thought she was too smart and dangerous and that she was going to screw up the Moving Company because McCrae couldn't control her. I don't know if McCrae is a primary target but I think Amanda still is. They know Howard still isn't being completely honest and now they feel he is using Candice for information.
I need help!!! I have all ready bought the live feeds and I watch them on my iPhone. But when I pull up the page it's asking for my credit card info again... Why?
Just catching up with comments... @Dalia - My daughter said the same thing re: the Lion King quote... (I'm clueless!)
7:16pm cams 3/4 Jeremy pitches to Helen and Elissa
He says he just wants to make it to jury now and he will give one of them his vote. He says he'll throw the Veto the week of jury and just go quietly. Basically saying he'll give up the game if he can make it to jury because he needs the money and 13 grand is better than 4. This is major league groveling.
Jeremy got the mom part of Helen. Elissa too for the most part. Aaryn is getting into deeper water. It's not up to them, Helen and Elissa, it's the rest of the house they both say.
You ever see a player in the house (S15 or other) give you a shout out on the live feeds
I mean many of the people that get to play are huge fans. As such I would think they would know of BBDish.
Maybe they are not allowed to talk about web sites?
If I was in the house and did something dumb, I would be like ... "Oh man Carolyn is going to slam me when writing the transcripts"....
Hope this goes thru- all else fails caro wld be an amazing medical transcriptionist too. I did that for a bit trying to get off disability. Didn't wk out for me. The biggest challenge aside frm the lingo is understanding many different and very heavy accents.
I read an interview Nick did after eviction. When asked about G.M., he said he did start to have feelings for her and thought they would get together after the season. Said it started out as play and he slowly decided he liked her. He also said he is not related to Dan.
Elissa is not quite as dumb as she seems. Her DR about McC and Amanda being too pushy and getting her to do their dirty work was good. She has put up the first 2 evictees and I can see that she was a little miffed at Helen for trying to make her do what she could have done with her 2 noms.
9:14 PM Cam 1: I think. Nippleage. Candice had a boob flop out.
9:17 PM Cam ALL. Almost show time.
Big Brother after dark is having a BB marathon starting at noon on Friday and lasting thru 2am Sat from what I can see.
OK this question is mostly for Carolyn, but my googling skills seem to be failing me: what is the Weeping Widow Uhas? I know you're talking about GM, but I don't get the reference, and can't seem to find it.
Also, I think GM should make the jury, strictly for the sequester. I'm concerned for Nick's well-being, and not a little bit concerned that GM might end up wearing his skin as a suit before the summer is out...
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