Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good evening, BB Lovers! Welcome to the BBDish Wednesday Show Viewing Party!☺
Because of this, Endurance Comp speculation has been increasing throughout the day.. Ok by me!! If you haven't gotten the feeds yet and you'd like a 2 day free trial, here ya go!
It's time to rewind your minds!!
Alllll the way back to Saturday on the live feeds when the Big Brother 15 HGs played for the Power of Veto, and Andy won his second comp in a row. In addition to the PoV Competition, DR sessions and the PoV Ceremony, which storylines do you think they'll advance tonight?
As you know, all of the action during our viewing parties happens in the comment section! The very thing you're looking for is there too! ;-) Join us!
P.S. Bonus Dishy Points if you email me funny parting gift ideas for Spencer and Jessie that you find on ebay later tonight.. I'd love to include them in the Overnight Report tomorrow morning. (email: dishchicks at yahoo dot com)
Happy Wednesday Show!!!
Thank you for being a part of BBDish!
Looking for the East Coast Live Stream?? Here ya go:
Option A
Option B
Have at em!
Greetings to dear Carolyn and the best BB community in the world! Hugs to all!
Hi friends! xoxox!
Good Evening everyone.
I just got through watching the wedding from last night and I want to know if anyone else noticed that McCray gave a shout out to the girl Jess he was talking to Andy about the other night. About an hour before the 'ceremony' he commented to the guys on the couch that he was going to do some shout outs in his vows. Everyone told him not to do that but he did it anyway.
I hope on the show tonight they show some of Jessie's meltdown but mainly how it was received by Helen and Elissa. They need to start showing some of their bad sides and quit giving them a good edit. I didn't like how they all banded together to isolate Jessie. She isn't one of my favorites but my heart felt bad for her. Wonder how Helen or Elissa would react if people treated them the same way.
I'm so afraid that all of Rachal's fans will band together again and give Elissa "America's Favorite'. We all need to band together and make sure someone like Judd gets it instead. Anyone but Elissa.
Happy Show Night!
Hello Goddess, hope you're doing smashing*
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Everyone,
Happy Wednesday Show!!!!
Happy Wednesday Show!!!!
Good Evening Carolyn, all
Lack of sleep and to much work this week. I'd be so far behind without you Carolyn. Thanks for all the updates all the time. Now let's see this edit Skippy.
I think I "got-got" myself
Happy Show Night Everyone!
Hello dear Goddess* Hope you're doing smashing!
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi Panchita!! :0) WooHooo!
Hi ilissa!! :0) Yayy!!
Hi Pammmmyy!! :0) xoxoxo!
Hi Pally!!! :0) You too!!
Hi ShiSHi! :0) Oh my! I didn't!
Hi Michigan Man! :0) Thank you!
good evening Carolyn and viewers. time to rewind
Hi Caro and all.
Since I watch the feeds until 4am or so I'm having trouble rewinding tonight. I can't get Bridezilla Amanda out of my mind and I really know we are not going to see it. Well maybe we will see where Andy got that outfit he wore for the wedding.
Hello eveyone, well I just finished reading the morning coments. So sorry Caro, if you get some kind of petition going I'll sign it. I hope you take down the theif
Looking forward to another episode! Too bad Jessie's explosion was after the POV ceremony.
Thanks Carolyn for all your work!
Hello Everyone! Carolyn, I finally hit the tip jar today. Sorry it was so late and so little. BB would not be the same without you. I might not post much, but I'm here every day, many times a day! I hope other Dishers are tipping better than I have! <3
Alex Leo
I did answer your question when Carolyn has a chance to post it. It was too long for the viewing party comment section. Strong hatred and despise, I had to think about those words. Frankly, I don't see that I dislike Helen any more than a lot of people who leave comments and I have always tried to do a thorough job of explaining why I feel the way I do about certain people. I guess it's all in the perception so I will say that we will just have to agree to disagree on this subject.
Hello, Carolyn and fellow Dishers. Thanks for the links, the storms here in Jacksonville have our DirectTV out. Really do appreciate all you do!
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi LindaJoy! :))
Hi Jadaz!! :)
Hi Tripl! :))
Hi Lisa!! :)
Hi Dineane! :0) Thank you very much! A whole lot of littles make a whole lot of lots.. now all we have to do is convince the silent masses. ;-)
Hi Grendon!! :)) (i posted it)
Hi Sissy! :)) Thank you!
Hello Carolyn and dishers... Happy Wednesday show. Looking forward to some DR session. Enjoy the show all!
Here we gooooo!!! :0)
Greetings and salutations everyone. :)
Hellllllo everyone!
Happy Wednesday Carolyn and Dishers!
Thank you Carolyn
Do you think I am overly hateful or that I have come to despise people more than the average viewer? If BB is making me that crusty maybe it's time to take a break.
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi Stesha! :0)
Hi KimCat! :0)
Hi GoodTimes! :0)
Hi Marla! :0)
Grendon - Not. At. All. ~~ Please don't!
Regardless of what happens, I think Candice deserves America's Favorite. I hate what she endured.
yeah the wedding was fun.....seeing POV tonight will be cool...
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi DavidB! :) agreed!
Hi Lisa! :) I hate what she endured too.
Hi all! 5:08 and still commercials on these streaming channels. Now they want 3:30 before the show to sell me something I definitely won't buy now. :(
I am bummed that Andy joined the axis of evil. Now who to root for? Bring Judd back?
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi Cyninbend! :) Use Option B!!!
Hi Plasticgoat! :)) If we get the chance I'm definitely voting for Judd.
FYI everybody, I'm going to make a huge pot of chili for tomorrow's show, so bring your bowls to the party. Gonna have sour cream, chopped onions and shredded cheese for those that like it that was too. Caro, I'll dig out some bread rounds to serve ours in.
TripL -- Yummmmmm!!!! My mouth is watering already!!
If Judd returns....
He's angry with Helen and Elissa.
Still not sure why he's angry with Elissa.
I think hate is an overused word. You hear all the time now on really insignificant things, like this game. Why would you hate someone playing a game on TV?
Hello everybody... one more day and we may find out what Julie's words from last week about the evicted HGs meant.
I feel a bit sad today... as a reality TV fan... I watch the Bachelor franchise and learning that a beautiful sweet woman like Gia can kill herself is a reminder that we don't know these people and what they fight on the inside. I don't wish harm or death on anybody from these shows. They have to come to terms with themselves. I keep the evil thoughts for truly evil people in the world... and it is a cruel one.
Now to the show... love the DRs... because they give us insight hard to figure out. It seems Andy is not as loyal to Helen as I thought. :-) But he still wanted to play it safe.
Grendon, your dislike of Helen is not as strong as mine so dont worry about it. Its all good!
Not happy with the 3AM Alliance! Cute name but still dislike the idea of them as a final four :(
Hi all :) Aaryn's eyebrows are absolutely hilarious!!!
Hi Jerry :)
Pally - I'm selfish - I want him back purely for comic relief. He makes me laugh all the time.
Thank you Carolyn
I guess I couldn't leave. This is my second home and you are all my family.
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi Mia! :) I had no idea.. I read this morning that she was hospitalized.. So sad.
Hi TheMrs! :))
Grendon - Praise the lord and bless you! HUGS!!!
I still don't like her but props. To Amanda for the final 3 idea.
Count me in TripL!! I'll bring the beer. G
Hi, y'all!
So for the first time in like 10 seasons, I have broken down and purchased an item of clothing that one of the HGs is wearing: Andy's hugging organs tshirt. I love it!
And I can't believe Helen fell for that schpiel.
Happy Wednesday Show, BB Lovelies!
Hi Nancy! :))
Hi JCo!! :)) LOL! Coolness! Link, please?
ShiShi! Yayyyy!!
I do have my glasses on and I don't think I've lost my mind, but tonight as long as GM keeps her mouth shut she is the prettiest girl in the house. Anyone else see it the same way?
Mia Monasdotter
I thought Gia was absolutely beautiful. She seemed so sweet and in the crowd of girls on The Bachelor and Bachelor pad she always stood out-not only for her beauty but because she seemed so sweet and seemed to have a really good head on her shoulders. What a shame.
Thank you. That definitely makes me feel better.
Caro, here you go:,girls/style,shirt
Ahh ha McC has the outfit on that Andy wore for the wedding
TripL, I think GM is very pretty when she is dolled up.
I have quite often thought GM looked pretty. She was beautiful at the 'wedding'. She is one of the lucky few that can pull off no make up at all and still look good.
JCo - THank you! :)
Y'all know what I DO like about GM? How genuinely excited she gets for everyone during comps, regardless of loyalties.
I love the competitions where they have to write stuff. I have a thing about handwriting.
I am soooo late to the party!! Good evening everyone!! What'd I miss??
Hi Lucky13!!!! :0) Yayyyy!! So glad you made it!
You're most welcome!
Hi Lucky welcome
How can they really be upset that Spencer went against the plan when he's on the block. Why shouldn't he fight for his safety
Uhoh...Spencer didn't obey...shame shame (sarcastic finger wag)
Dear Grendon,
I truly appreciate and enjoy your comments. I agree with you 100% regarding Helen. Overall, it is so refreshing to read your take on the show and for that I thank YOU!
i'm laughing at Jessie.. yet another attempt to flip the house.. and yet again, it benefits no one but her.
Seems like no-one is allowed to have their own game.
think helen has to go
This coming week - and hoh tomorrow night - should be VERY intense!
It'll beat me half to death, but i'm looking forward to it all the same.
Spencer was in a sticky situation. I'm not sure what I would have done. Of course you shouldn't have to throw a comp when you are on the block. However, by going back on a surefire plan to keep Jessie from winning, Spencer actually took the risk that Jessie could have won and then Spencer almost positively would have been joining Candice and Judd tomorrow night.
Right! Apparently "the house" is going to win the half million dollars lol
Jessie was absolutely right in her assessment, I think there is zero chance that Amanda or Mccrae want Andy in the final three. I think the powers are trying to have Aaryn and/or Elissa next to them at the end.
Hi Carolyn and BB Lovers! Just wanted to stick my head in and say HI and I am so so so so so loving watching Helen get played! I didn't realize she really was into that fake alliance? Wouldn't it be great for her to leave next week and look back and see how she got played?? Better yet, her out next week and we vote to bring Judd back and NOT her! Ooohhhh...I'm so giddy with anticipation and hope!
Thank you so much. That makes me feel very good inside.
I'm looking forward to seeing the jury house tomorrow night.
Caro, what do you think will be played for HOH? Otev or maybe the face mash-up?
I just want to say that I'm also Team Grendon :) Please don't go anywhere!
Hi Lee! :) It is pretty darn delicious :)
Totally random thought. I have a really hard time picturing Andy ever being overweight. I saw an old yearbook photo so I know it is true.
On a lighter note...Carolyn, I've heard BB say "HG, no quoting movie quotes" or something like that. That is a new no no, huh? And I'm wondering why. I always thought it was OK to use movie quotes. Anyone?
Before it gets too late to post, I want to thank you Caro for tonight's party and have a great nap, nightie nite to you.
Does anyone know where I can get one of those cups they are drinking water out of? Is the colored part a filter? I love a good water cup.
Tripl -
Both of those are PoV comps..
I agree with Helen - Either Endurance or Knock Out..
Thank you so much. I have decided-I am not going anywhere. I love you guys.
Hi Carolyn and BB fans,
I laughed at Elissa in the Veto Comp., is she really that dumb or is it just an act? Andy is playing it very safe, nominating 2 people everyone wants out and not using the Power of Veto. Spencer's actions and remarks are going to come back and get him later. Karma.
@ Shi Shi, I like your comments.
Tripl - Thank YOU!
Lee - That is new.. definitely!
Grendon - ditto!
JCo - I don't know.. please let me know if you find em.. I love cool water gadgets too.
Thanks Carolyn, see you tomorrow sistah*
Grendon...sometimes I think some things I say are too mean and Carolyn won't publish them. I find it really hard to enjoy these HGs this summer. I am really hoping to see some more mature, older ones next year. I am loving BBAU!
You do make an interesting point but then again look at what happened with Judd and he trusted the same people.
Hi Sam :))
Pally - *hugs*
Couldn't agree more. About our BB and Australia.
I hope for a real endurance. Beyond name calling, most haven't endured much.
Can I have my bud Judd back. I've resorting to watching Season 6 for the 5th time!
Goodnight, everyone! Thank you so much for being here! I'll see you dark n early with the Overnight Report.
In the event anyone's head should explode in the next couple hours, I'd really appreciate a heads up, with Time/Cam so I can include it in the overnight!!!
P.S. First, Good night BT!
Second, I just wanted to fix what I previously wrote to Grendon. I meant to say I think some things I say are too mean and Carolyn won't publish them, but she always does! ;) There. Much better!
Sweet dreams! Speaking of dreams, I have had 2 nights of dreaming I am in the BB House. This never happened before! haha
Shi Shi, I'm with you all the way, wanting Judd to get America's Favorite.
The votes from America targeting Amanda (esp those who "just want drama") cost Judd the game, after he tried out for 5 years to get on the show. A popularity contest among viewers really isn't the competition people anticipate when going on BB. Judd was screwed by it and BB's refusal to admit to HGs that that's where Amanda's nomination came from. Production wants it both ways, use the votes to scare up some drama, but they don't want Amanda to clean up her act if she realizes that viewers don't love her bad racial jokes and boob exposures. At least America's Favorite would let Judd and the rest know we appreciate his attempts to strategize and play the game.
Elissa is so NOT America's Favorite Player material--she reminds me of HGs evicted first or 2d... She seems to be on some of those meds she's so concerned about, ever since the day she imagined McC and Andy were making fun of her religion, her MINISTRY, and picked that irrational fight with Aaryn in the HOH in front of everyone. She went from bizarrely confrontational to all giggles to clueless, incomprehensible much of the time, neither taking responsibility for gameplay nor contributing anything to her alliance. America's Favorite Player would go from a democratic equalizer for perceived wrongs of the season to a travesty. If you were a houseguest in Seas.15, and didn't want to participate in religious activities with her, or have your hair dyed or styled, you might not know she was in the BB House with you at all! Besides praying and doing a good job cutting, coloring and styling hair, she rebukes production and the people behind the walls, and judges other GHs, whispering her disapproval of those who don't have husbands with...sshhh...this is a secret...don't tell, you know, like, only in whispers about these matters, in the storage room...eyes pleading with Helen to understand how truly, like, significant, and, like, special, Elissa's life is, you know, you know, her husband's business is...ssshhh...whispers, worth $15 MILLION! Sssshhhh! Do not, like, tell anyone! YOU KNOW?! Those other HGs are like such peasants who, like, would never understand these kinds of dollars, you know? And she has responsibilities, you know--she has to, like, you know, go to, like, dinner with people, you know?! This is like so stressful for such a special person like her! She told CBS--after all, like she wanted to work with the network and all, like being such a special person....but she isn't like "these" people...they are NOT special, you know?
Neither is she. I know.
how can you feel bad for jessie when she chose to lash out the way she did? bb is as much if not more a social game, and jessie is a rotten social player from tbe get go.
Grendon and lee,
Just started BBAU. Thanks for the recomm, even the twist is better than ours! Awesome new addiction!
@JCo and Carolyn those big brother water cups are for sale on the cbs online store. I believe they are $12.95. As far as the description says that thick colored part is just a screw on lid, no water filter :(
JCo, those cups are available from the Big Brother section of the CBS Store.
I miss blue!!!!!
Caro, I found the water bottles they are using. They are at They are 12.95, but they say they wont ship until sept.
I missed that but I'm here for anything u need cap. Any time day or nite
let like Helen created "the house" character to give herself some clout and some distance frm all her scheming
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